
Do guinea pig's do better in pairs? And a few other questions about them? Please read all of the questions...?

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I'm going to be getting a guinea pig in about 4 weeks. A friend of my moms has a guinea pig that is having baby's. I was going to get only one but don't they do better, and live happier, longer lives if kept in pairs of 2 or 3? And if I were to get two should I get 2 males or two females? Can you keep a male and a female? Does the male have to be neutered if you do, or should the female be spayed or do they both have to be spayed and neutered?





  1. Dont listen to the other people!! Guinea pigs do a lot better in pairs because in the wild they are heard animals. I think your best bet would to get 2 females because males have a chance of fighting and spaying and neutering is really expensive.

  2. have you read ?

    you can't keep opposite genders together unless one is neutered

  3. if you get two i would get two females they seem to argue less than males. yes i believe they live longer and happier, that they have someone to talk to and play with, and cuddle with when your not around.

  4. We have one and she is just fine on her own- She is more active then she was when she was with the others at the pet store.

    Make sure that you check how long/old they have to stay with the mother before getting separated

  5. just get one

  6. Congratulations on your new little friend!

    I recently did a bit of research myself on guinea pigs before adopting my pair from the humane society a few months ago.  I read that they do better in pairs IF you will not have alot of time to play and interact with one on a regular basis.  They are social creatures and like to have contact, human or pig.

    My two happen to be a mother and daughter pair.  If you choose to get 2, be sure they are the same s*x.  They are quite prolific little things and a mating pair can quickly get out of hand,  Getting one of each s*x if possible but spaying and neutering pigs is quite expensive, assuming you can find a willing vet.

    Consider building/buying a pen instead of a traditional cage if you can.  They provide alot more room, which contributes greatly to a pigs happiness.

    Good Luck!

  7. Guinea pigs are herd animals so love to live in pairs or groups.  

    Two males or two females are both good combinations.  Both have the same type of temperement, males grow a bit larger.  

    If you want to get a male and a female then the male must be neutered or he will harass the female and get her pregnant.  If the male is neutered then you don't need to get the female spayed.  

    If you want three you must make sure you have enough room for them.  You can get three of the same s*x or one neutered male and two females.  You cannot get one famale and two males as even if the males are neutered they will fight over the female.  

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