
Do guinea pigs drink water out of those little water dispensers?

by  |  earlier

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i bought one of those little water things that you put in the side of the cage but i can't see if he even knows how too use it?I am too scared too take out his bowl of water because maybe he will die?how can i be sure she is ok?




  1. she should be able to most Guinea pigs actualy  prefer water bottles but you might have to teach her if there is less water in the bottle and still water in the bowl she migh be using it but if she wont use it she might have a dental problem. see a vet

  2. i know when i had guinea pigs i used the dispenser if u dont think its using it talk to a pet store see what ur options are

  3. Yes, guineapigs are perfectly good at using water dispensers.. and it is much more hygienic, as they do tend to play and p**p in their water bowls...

    Take the water bowl out, and keep an eye on the level in the dispenser. Then you'll know if he's using it fine.

  4. i have had the same problem if u leave the water bowl there then they are not going to user because it would be easier just to go to the bowl. take out the bowl and put his mouth near the dispenser and squeeze it a bit so some water comes out if he dirnks it or licks it he should ffigure out that there is water coming from there but u need to get rid of the bowl for it to work. it worked for me

    hope it helped :D

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