
Do guinea pigs tend to make noise at night?

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Im moving my guinea pigs in a C&C cage up into my room i have a few questions though:

Will they keep me up all night making noises?

Will they start to smell?

How long does it take for the cage to start smelling?

Will they mind a slight temperature difference?

If so should I open all the windows?

And will the fleece get infected and kill the guinea pigs?

(a few?!)

Im kinda paranoid!


answer my questions and any other tips or advice would be great!!!

Im this paranoid because my friend started to keep one of her guinea pig inside and it had to be put down! The vet said it was because of the temperature change stress digestion problems and the fleece.

Thanx so much!!!!!!

Byes Charlie





  1. Yes ours does that same thing.

  2. guinea pigs sleep most of the night, mine settle down around 9pm and sleep until about 5am, then i hear them get up and get some food and a little drink, but i put a blanket over them and they learnt not to make noise until the blanket comes off, they soon learn the routine. they can stand temp changes so long as its not too hot or cold, if you are cold then so are your pigs, and the same if its hot. fleece is fine but you need to pick off the poops a couple of times a day and wash the fleece once a week, put a towel underneath this will absorb the wee and make it less likely to smell.

  3. Guinea pigs are nocturnal. They sleep for 15 minute periods during the night and wake up for snacks and other stuff :) But in the time they are awak, they don't make much noise.

    They will start to smell if they aren't fully cleaned out every day for obvious reasons.

    They won't mind a temperature difference, but the warmer the better as they do originate from peru.

    Opening windows is a good idea for them so they get sunlight and some fresh air every day.

    Their coat won't get infected as there is less germs inside than outside.

    Hope this helps.


  4. Yes!! Almost any pet you get will make noise at night, but you will/would get used to it. I myself have 2 fish and 2 hermit crabs in my room that used to keep me up all night! Oh, and the filter! But i kind of like it because it let's me know that I'm home and I'm safe.  And yes they may smell a little bit but if you change their cage once every week, it wont smell very much at all! About a week or so depending on how many you get. No, they will get used to it if it's not a very big differance. No need. You may want to open 1 or 2 windows in the summer though so they can breath better. I don't think so. there's your answers.

  5. Ok. I have two guinea pigs and can answer these questions, lol! They make noise but it's not that loud. It's like little squeaks. It might keep you up on the first night but you would get used to it. The cage starts to smell after a week. I use CareFresh and I change it out every week on Monday. The guineas themselves don't smell. (At least, mine don't.They are female, though and I heard males smell if they still have there parts.) If the temperature change is colder they won't mind it. If it's hotter try to get some cool air in there but don't set up a fan right next to their cage because drafts can make them sick, so make sure they aren't right under an air vent or something. You have to wash the fleece if you're going to use it. I just use bedding because you just have to throw it away and it's easier to clean. But, yea just wash your fleece weekly. To get them used to the change, take them in your room for three or four hours a day to play with them and then put them back in their cage that way they'll be used to it a little bit. Hope I helped! Good luck!

  6. Guinea pigs. Live up to 3-6 years.

    -Will they keep me up all night making noises?

    Yes, sometimes guinea pigs are active at night usually.

    -Will they start to smell?

    Yes, if you don't clean his cage.

    -How long does it take for the cage to start smelling?

    About 1 week.

    -Will they mind a slight temperature difference?

    No, unless it's extremely cold, or extremely hot.

    -If so should I open all the windows?

    If you feel it will keep the temperature not too cold not too hot.

    -And will the fleece get infected and kill the guinea pigs?

    Fleece is almost sponge like, yes they can get infection from it, because he'll pee and poo on it, I suggest using pine for bedding and besides pine has natural flea repellant oils and are safe for guinea pigs. But use the small pine bedding not the big pieces of pine bedding.

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