
Do guys and there familys in india still come and ask for girls even if they have never met the girl before?

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marriage is different than a job interview. it requires emotion, love,etc..




  1. Yes, this practice is still exists in India

  2. The arranged marriage system in India has its own advantages. It is a norm of society, a long standing custom - nothing backward about it. Marriage in India goes beyond two individuals as extended families live together, sharing life's joys and tribulations.

    Even in the West, even when the couple know each other so well, the divorce rates are like one in 2 or 3, so their system is far from perfect.

  3. yeah they do

  4. Answers International:

  5. yas

  6. YUP!

  7. what kind of backwardedness? do you not face interview or personal discussion while applying for a job? everyone who is entering into any sort of commitment or contract should have full rights to judge the counterpart personally not by picture only.

  8. And that is why india is one of the major backward countries in the world and that is why they cannot reduce their population.

  9. Of course it still remains as Arranged Marriage Culture.

    In this style the Boy & Girl are not the one taking sole decision about theit life, though they have the major part to decide but the families do involve in discussing and finding out the family back ground, the nature of both the bride and groom, status, etc.., These types of marriages are more sustainable in spite of boy and girl doesn't know much about their partners but the knowledge remains with both families.

    In other ways and present style of dating, meeting knowing each other taking decisions on marriage purely by bride and groom has maximum failures, seperation, divorce.

    Old culture still remains strong and healthy.*

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