
Do guys appreciate girls who empathise?

by  |  earlier

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Do guys appreciate it when girls make an effort to empathise and forgive when necessary?




  1. A real man (lover) will like and love each of her deed for him.....  

  2. yeah but if you forgive too much then you need to worry about them cuz then they will think "if she keeps forgiving me then i can do whatever i want and she wont do anyhting about it" just keep a strong grip on him with somewhat of a leash


  3. YES!!! wat do u think! we got no feelings or something? =D

    it's dood!  

  4. Yeah. At least I do. I think as a guy I **** up a lot and nothing changes and I try my hardest to change when truly forgiven. but when I mean forgive I mean let it go after you forgive

  5. of course

  6. r u gonna frame your ideas based on the replies guys give here?

  7. Yes. But be careful you are not being used.

  8. no, they only care if a girl will put out

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