
Do guys court in Germany?

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do they woo girls? do they bring flowers and chocolates? if not, how do they tell a girl they like her?




  1. Sure they do, and they're as shy as everywhere else. Only adults get more direct, as they know the rule of the game and don't want to waste time. But it's true, Germans usually are quite direct, so if a German guy asks you, "do you want to sleep with me?" ("willst du mit mir schlafen?") just answer Yes or No. He won't consider it as an insult if you say no; but you won't get a second chance.

  2. I can imagine it is no different from anywhere else in the world....

  3. Germany is the same as any country in the world....i am asian and my husband is a german. We had really totally different culture and tradition. Of course, they gave flowers,chocolates and other stuff...but one more thing. They are more direct and true for what they are saying and felt. If they liked you they will tell you without any hesitations....

  4. Germany is just like any other western country. The men do woo girls with flowers and chocolates.  

    Men also take girls on dates, to the movies, concerts, and guest houses where they serve beer and sing songs.

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