
Do guys find girls with a 4 pack gross?

by  |  earlier

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i dont know why but i like like abs on girls! but most guys hate it?




  1. I wouldn't have a problem with it. As long she doesn't look like a body builder or something.

  2. im a girl and i agree with you abbs are nice looking on girls

    but guys dont like it cause it reminds them of a man so ugggg


  3. No thats very hot.  

  4. A little tone is really nice, but its when the abs get overboard and they start looking like a dude that men start to hate it

  5. yep most guys hate it cuz it emasculates them. or whenever they're putting they're arms around the girl they'l be feeling muscle which wil make them feel g*y if they like it.

  6. as long as they arent chubby or fat then im fine with them

  7. As long as it's not extremely defined , I usually find it alright looking.

  8. Yes, sorry to disapoint you. Guys find it gross ( i have a brother) they like skinny or curvy girls.  

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