
Do guys get jealous of guys who chat up their female friends?

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The other night I was out in a group of friends and there is one guy I like (who i'll call Jack) and Jack's friend Tom was coming onto me slightly. So Jack seemed to notice & kept asking me if Tom was bothering me & commented something about how Tom is flirting with me (he didn't say it directly to Tom).

Eventually Jack got my female friend to talk to Tom to distract him but then Tom came back & said something like 'I'm tired', so Jack said 'Well you could go home.'

One night Jack got drunk & started getting really affectionate like leaning against my shoulder & sighing and earlier he'd given me a quick kiss on my lips.

I saw Jack tonight who was with his friends (who I know well) but he didn't know my friends so he only came over to say hi quickly.

Does Jack have feelings for me or just a caring friend, because i'm not sure.




  1. Sounds like a guy in love

  2. Yeah, he likes you. Durrrr.

    If you have to ask the question, its probably a yes anyways.

  3. yeah he cares for ya and he has feelings for you..that's why he was jealous when tom was around you...

    i for one never liked it when other guy(s) hangs around the girl i like..

    so my answer is yes..^.^

  4. Aww jack has a crush on you! Its so obvious :)

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