
Do guys have more of a polygamist mindset?

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I just keep wondering about it. I think most girls have the mindset of having a boyfriend and loving only them, while guys can love a girl and still "use" pornography of other women and like "open" relationships and "commitment-free-commitment." Do you think it's because of men's prehistoric days when to survive they had to try and make love to all the girls to increase the population? Is that why in the olden days and sometimes still today, there have been and are men with more than one wife? While girls (at least I think) when they love a guy and are in a relationship all they think about if the guy that they are with? Your thoughts.




  1. yes, guys have much more reproductive potential than women. A guy can impregnant a women and move on to another and another. A women takes 9 months to have offspring. Because of this guys are hard wired to be with as many women as possible to favor their genes. A women looks for a provider that will take care of her and her kid. Now the provider may be different that the father. Remember, women are wired to seek out the alpha male to increase their reproductive potential, so a women may get impregnated by an alpha male, and have the beta male be the provider. That is the best case scenario for the woman, good genes from the alpha, and financial support from the beta male. This is why many women secretly cheat on their husbands/boyfriends. Remember, this is all subliminal, no one is thinking this to themselves. But yes, contrary to what society and religion tells us, humans are wired to be with multiple partners.

  2. I don't.  I am the most jealous guy in the world.  I can't stand anyone touching my girl.  Plus I hate p**n and 3-somes.  I don't find anything exciting about that.  What is the big deal that guys love that.  IDK  

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