
Do guys in high school wear briefs or tighty whities anymore?

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I have two high school freshmen athletes as clients and they were surprised to see a locker room full of guys in boxer shorts. Are there any guys in high school who still wear briefs or has peer pressure finally ousted the tighty whitey for good?




  1. Guest58626

     My high school school boys gym teacher required them. In order to get credit for the day an partake in the sport activity of the day you had to show the coach you had them on.

  2. when i was in middle school i didnt take pe but everyone else did so now i dont know what to wear. i wear briefs, white or colored. im thinking about getting boxers or boxerbriefs for the first day just in case brief-wearers get teased.

  3. well i wear boxers and briefs.

    Briefs are lame tho. I dont just like briefs. I like Tighty Wighteys.

    Im not talking any ol colored briefs. Im talking about

    "haha nerd!" white and tight wedgie in the locker room TIGHTY WIGHTIES

    I only wear briefs if they are white. Briefs? depends wat color? Tighty Wighties? h**l yea!

    I actually mostly wear them on the weekends and while sleeping.

    I say have some variety. U dont have to switch really. Ive worn Tighty wighties all my life and I started wearing boxers to. It gives some adventure and choice. Hmm im feeling the boxers today. Or hmm i feel like wearing my good ol briefs today.

  4.  I was a boxerbrief person for a long time and last year went back to boxers.  I switch back and forth, but like the briefs the best.

  5. I wear white briefs because they are more comfortable. I think guys who wear boxers are lazy.

  6. In Middle School, most guys wear boxers because they think it is cool even if some still like briefs better, but in SOME, not all, some high schools, when you go from middle school to high schools, more athletic boys starts to wear briefs and not care about what others wear.

  7. i get bullied all the time beacuse you can see my balls and pubic hair 

  8.  no, im 13 years old and i wear tighty whites. i did get bullied the first week of school, but now the people next to me in the locker room don't care

  9. tight whites....they show everything off ! I always wear them for the locker room

  10.  i wear briefs and nobody bullies me haha, im the one that would bully other pple haha, but i dont think my friends care haha

  11.  i wear briefs in high school i show ppl i dont care what they think, id rather have support than have none at all

  12. I am in highschool I live in New Jersey, I wear tighty whities EVERY DAY! No one at my school makes fun of them, they check me out!

  13. I live in Wales in the UK, People get bulied for wearing them but somedays i wear boxers and others i wear tighty whiteys. Dont let people bother you, were what you like/.

  14. boxer briefs all the way dude, they are the best of both worlds, and if ur gettin it in with girls they love the package ik my gf love grabbin it and peelin my boxer briefs off haha but yea way better than plain old briefs

  15. White briefs are comfortable and awesome looking on a guy.

    I wear Jockey, which are great.

    I say "f**k peer pressure", let others worry about what people thin..  Let then wear those baggy boxer (granny panties).

    Tighty Whities RULE!

  16. I wear briefs even in high school its the fashion hear! Jefferson, WI

  17. Yes--there is nothing wrong with it.  WEAR WHAT YOU LIKE (TWs are s**y)

  18. omg these people are so dumb i bet most people are to wrapped up in trying to make friends they don't even think that even if they change their underwear to a different type they're not gonna be bullied if you change for a bully you might as well put a sign on your back that says come get me im easy

  19. I think so. Peer pressure definitely has an influence in high school and middle school, and I switched to boxers in about seventh grade and kept wearing them through high school. I'm in college now and I don't think people care nearly as much in college what you wear. Now I switch back and forth between boxers, boxer-briefs, and briefs (which I still think are my favorite). The briefs i have aren't white though- they're black or gray.

  20. I always wear boxer briefs.  It's the best of both worlds!

  21. Yes. Definetly. Haha. All the time because they think it's more comfortable. Guys won't make fun of them. They'll think you have some guts if your wearin them.(:

  22. no much and if u wear briefs u get bullied but i dont get bullied and i wear them every day

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