
Do guys liek a natural looking girl or a mkaeup look?

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even though the girl with makeup looks ALOT better would some guys like the natural girl.




  1. The natural look. Makeup is alright so long as it isn't overdone. Girls with makeup which looks as though it was applied with a trowel make one wonder if they're secretly working the streets. Heavy makeup, especially the eyeshadow turns most guys off.  

  2. depends on there taste

  3. guys hate alot of makeup on girls that are girlfriend material however if they are looking for 'fun' girls with lots n lots of make up is who they look for...

  4. Good guys will like a natural girl.  Only shallow guys looking for s*x and to use the woman will focus mainly on make-up clad women.  Men looking for natural beauty see the true woman inside.  Women who don't wear makeup or very very little show more self confidence in their looks and usually arn't so dull in their personalities.  Many women who wear makeup are usually doing that to cover up something else, like being a dull person.

  5. Well it depends on the guy. Like my guy cousin loves when the girls wear dark makeup. But my guy friend likes it when they just have something natural looking. I'm not gonna lie, most guys want you to at LEAST have some makeup on.

    Your best bet would be natural makeup =)

  6. i used to wear makeup like eyeliner and all that. my boyfriend doesnt like it! he said alot of guys hate make up. all i wear is mascara and a littttle bit of eyeshadow and im good to go. alot of people actually have told me no/little makeup is the way to go. =]

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