
Do guys like 'good girls' ? HIGHSCHOOLERS (only)?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, I don't want any adults or middle schoolers answering this.

Okay well, I am a sophmore in highschool. I've never had s*x (wanna wait till im married :] ) i've never tried alcohol, I don't really go to parties, my idea of an adventure is trespassing onto private property so its dull huh. I'm not a school nerd or anything, I have a life! I hang out with the 'popular' crowd lol, and I'm very pretty, but sometimes i feel like i dont fit in or i feel pressured because I have not drank, or deeply made out with anyone or have a bunch of disputes over which guys i should date. Does it really matter to guys how 'experienced' you are or the 'naughty' thing's youve done? Because I feel so far behind on all of that. Not that thats something i really want to do, but I mean does it really matter? Is it a turn off or something?




  1. You and I can relate. I'm a senior, i have not drunk or smoke and don't plan on it, and i plan on sticking with abstinence until marriage. And i have a life.

    I actually prefer "good girls" lol

    But i have dated a girl who smoked. It didnt really bother me, EXCEPT FOR HER BREATH AND TEETH! I'm pretty sure that she wasnt a virgin too actually : /


  2. ok, here is the truth. im a senior in high school, never had s*x either. i was a cheer leader for my freshman and sophmore years, hung out with the popular crowd. i have drank with that group once. i dont regret it but it wasnt 1 of my best moments. 1 thing you need to do is go through that whole deep makeout thing. but make sure its with someone you really like.  and i dont think its a turn off 4 guys if you havent done anything, alot of the guys at my school see it as a challenge ... they want to take away the whole good girl act. dont worry about it, if you think about it its only 4 years of a life that is going to last like 80-90 years!!!

  3. i like girls that are innocent.. and dont go around whoring through the school.... you are good where your at and stay like that

  4. i like good girls, just not the total suck ups. i think that drinkin and all dat is a total turn off, so ya, only da guys who have a brain like good girls

  5. well i jus graduated highschool...but you sound like a cool girl who open minded but just not to bad things which is good because when it comes down to respect you will earn it because you wernt weak enough to fall for peer pressure which is hard as h**l not to. but guys love good girls who are open to things but dont do it jus please him. i sound like a f*g huh

  6. trust me good girls rock.

    You should not be ashamed or anything like that. It's not a turn off at all!

  7. Yeah some guys like good girls

  8. If all a guy cares about is what you've done then i'd guess they probably aren't the type of guy you wanna get yourself involved with in hopes of a good relationship. If someone actually likes you then what you have or haven't done should make absolutely no difference.

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