
Do guys like asian girls? ?

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I'm asian and I was just wondering if they like them as much as they like other girls of a different race




  1. Yeah there are hot asian girls, . it depends on the guy. I just like girls

  2. white guys like us better then any other race of girls including white girls.

    we are pretty and smart.

  3. I would just be careful of a guy who claims to like Asian Woman above anyone else. Most guys believe in the stupid sterotypes of a servant woman, who doesn't talk, and only lives for her husband. Most guys who only date Asian Women I've noticed have very low self esteem, NOT every guy I don't want to p**s anyone off, but the ones who live and die just to date an Asian Woman tend to be a little odd. Every race has beauty (and I'm not some hippie tree hugger) I'm just saying.

  4. Guys like "girls".....PERIOD!

  5. Some guys are absolutely obsessed with asian girls ~ some are turned off by them.  It depends solely on the guy and his preferences.

  6. yes most guys do like asian girls just as much and maybe even more

  7. yup...i like asian girl..

  8. Of course. Asains are kinky. mmmm...

  9. Depends on the guy.

    But remember, what it boils down to is personality


  10. Yes, a lot of guys do.  First of all, because many Asian women are beautiful in an exotic sort of way.  And they usually have petite frames and nice tight bodies and a lot of guys like that.  I think especially white guys like Asian girls.  And half white half Asian people are the best looking in the world in my opinion.

  11. Yes, but it also depends on that guy's type of girl he wants.

  12. You Asians have always been my favourite race. Even though I'm not Asian...

  13. Most guys do like asians. Guys like all girls

  14. Yes,there super cute.

  15. I like them and I dont like them.

    I like asian girls for just s*x and casual dating but I don't like them for anything long term, especially marriage.


    i just dont picture asian girls baking in the kitchen or waiting by the window for me to come home. i dont see them dressing the kids for school.

    i do however can see them in a p**n way.

  16. Obviously lots of generalizations involved, but yes, despite the stigma against white guys liking Asian girls more on average, I'm in that category.  I used to feel guilty about it but there's really no point in denying reality.

    This preference probably started in high school when I noticed that Asian girls tended to share my values/traits more than white girls.  They respected me for caring about "geeky" or academic things that weren't even on my white girl friends' radars.  And I respected them in turn.  I have no idea how the physical attraction eventuated from this, but somehow or another it got to the point at which I actually now prefer the appearance of Asian women.  The irony is that I even find myself attracted to ditzy Asian princesses more than respectable academic white women.  If I had to describe the physical attraction, I specifically like the small size, smooth skin, lovely eyes.  People give guys a hard time for using the word "exotic" but it's simple for me: If you're from a different culture, you're probably going to be more interesting to me.  You have more to share, there's more questions I can ask, more interesting new things I can discover.

    I can say unquestionably that my attraction to Asian girls has absolutely nothing to do with this idea that Asian girls are somehow more submissive.  I haven't noticed that; in fact I've found that they're all-too-often conceited, entitled princesses.  

    Anyway, I hope this helps.

  17. It depends on the guy.

  18. I sure do and always have.

  19. YES

  20. All girls are the same!!! I would like u even if i was from china but i'm born in england!!!! So did that answer ur question?

  21. guys like their own pick. example  aishwariya rai is one of the most loved indian actresses which is asian. Chinese girls are loved e.g lucy lui. India won miss universe, miss world and miss asia pacific.asian girls are also profoundly known for entering beauty pageant. but you also have someone like kylie minouge who is white . obviously.  boys pick and chose.    also colours non colours dont matter its the person inside of the skin that matter!

  22. well this very, very hot guy (not relevant) i know is half asian, half white...does that answer your question?

    mom: asian

    dad: white

  23. Sorry, absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with race or religion but  I only find white girls attractive. Hair colouring doesn't matter at all.

  24. it depends. i'm an Asian female...and i've always dated guys outside my race. there are many guys ( who aren't Asian) find asian women attractive...why? well, i don't know why. maybe it's because they don't care or maybe they just have a fetish for asian women...who knows! but from my experience, I know that these men thought i was beautiful, smart, and liked my personality regardless of my race.

  25. My friends LOVES women of other races, and nationalities. one GF was asian another from Holland.

    He goes completly Gaga

    Me, im  impartial. Ive dated all sorts of women, race, or nationality doesnt really matter, long as its someone i can talk to or hang with.

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