
Do guys like girls hair a lil longer than than shoulders or short?

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  1. Don't worry about what guys like and do what YOU like.  Guys like confidence.  They don't give a sh*t about our hair (as much as we would like them to care).

  2. Guys have different taste and preferences. Some like it shorter, some like it longer.  

  3. it all depends on what looks best on you.

    if you can rock that style, guys will love it no matter the length

    but i do know a bunch of guys who loveee long hair :}

  4. Mostly Longer.

  5. Most of the guys I know like long hair. But it's all up to the guy. Some like short hair too.

  6. I'm a female, but I have many guy friends.  They all say they prefer long hair.  But, I say, do what you feel suits you best.  If you feel good, then your high confidence is much sexier than any haircut.  Good Luck!

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