
Do guys like girls with a lot of make up, a little, or none?

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I was just wondering because I don't wanna look trashy... all I wear is eyeliner (on the bottom lid. it goes from the corner of my eye to 1 1/2 cm away from my tear duct... hope that makes sense...) And mascara. A few of my friends wondered this too so you're helping like 5 people. Thanks.




  1. I think guys like girls with a little makeup .

  2. look to be hones t it really depends on you confidence it you feel like you need more then do it....... if you feel pretty then don't apply any get it ................. when i feel really ugly is when i apply make up and after a while my hubby figured it out and he tells me that he like both ways and he rather have me with little  make-up  

  3. not to much a bit of foundation n

    a little is just fine.


  4. none of that matters.... a guy shloud like u 4 who u r not 4 how u look

  5. To be honest all my guy friends only notice make up, if there's too much and you look orange or trashy, or you were none at all. You just need the right balance so it enhances your beauty and isn't worn as a mask (: x

  6. ya thats wat i do eye line on the bottom lid and a little macara. it looks good.

  7. A little! At least that's what my bf likes.

  8. Well, that's fine when you're younger-and most men don't like much make-up(ones I know)...I just wear mascara, maybe very light shadow, used to do the eyeliner, then realized it just runs and makes ya look like you have dark circles!

  9. This is a big question which a lot of girls have and I always ask guys about it and this is the conclusion I came to:

    They definitely don't like when it looks caked on, or like a mask, or even when you can notice it too much. They all say they like natural. But if your natural face isn't perfect, which noone's is, then makeup can help make it look better. So every girl needs to figure out for themselves how much makeup they need to make their face look pretty and still natural. It takes time to figure it out, but eventually you will. I am actually very pretty and I am very confident with the way I look but I still wear full face makeup every day. And sometimes guys will even say "oh you're not wearing makeup". That's because it looks very natural. But it really enhances my looks. It's always good to wear concealer and foundation to even out your skin. A trick I use is Clinique loose powder on top of liquid foundation. It evens out my skin even more and gives it a natural glow. I put on eyeliner on top and bottom and what I do to make it look natural is when I am done, I use a q-tip to smooth it out. It works wonders. Lipstick can be bright, guys will never say they don't like lipstick.

    Hope my tips help you. It will take you time to figure out what makeup looks natural on you. Always ask people around you their opinion on your makeup so you will learn quicker what looks good. And always have confidence and you will look great! Good luck!

  10. i think guys prefer a little makeup. if your at school or work a little makeup looks nice without looking too ...*trying to hard*.  

  11. First of all, ALL GUYS HAVE DIFFERENT OPINIONS. This question is impossible to answer accurately.

    Short answer : if you don't want to look trashy, then stop wearing liner on your bottom lid only. This is not really a flattering look, for anyone. It makes you look more scary than s**y.

    Long answer : If you are going to use eye liner, use it on your top lid ONLY, (corner to corner) starting very thin near the inside corner and ever-so-slightly thicker towards the outside corner. Be sure to end the line with a slight upturn at the outsides (makes you eyes look very girly).

    Then apply a layer of mascara, top lashes ONLY. If your bottom lashes are noticeable enough on their own, then DO NOT use mascara or liner under your eye.

    Even if your bottom lashes are very thin and/or light, most people look better with no liner under the eye (or very little). However, if you MUST wear liner under your eye, the combination of lashes and eye liner above your eye should always appear fuller than the liner under your eye.

    ALSO, experiment with different line lengths for under your eye. Instead of going all the way to the inside corner, try only going half way toward the inside, or even 1/3rd.

    If eye shadow is going to be used, obviously, it must be applied before anything else (yes, after concealer/foundation). Use colors that compliment your eyes, and don't go too bold in the colors. Understated, natural colors work best.

    My suggestion is to NOT wear any liner (my favourite), and just use some mascara on the top lashes. This style makes anyone look cute.

    Trust me, if you're young and have a good complexion, you could get away with very little foundation (maybe none, if you are blessed with flawless skin) a coat of mascara on your top lashes, tinted lip gloss, and a hint of bronzer on your cheeks... That's all.

    People may not be sure that you're wearing makeup, but they will notice that you look good.

    Oh, and keep your eyebrows neat. Messy, unkempt eyebrows can destroy a pretty matter how good or tasteful the makeup is.

    Good luck.

  12. My boyfriend prefers it when I don't wear any at all, or very little.

  13. i'm not a guy lol but i think a little foundation would be good too but make sure it doesn't make you look orange

  14. well my skin get really oily so I need to use a powder foundation, but it looks really natural... like what your skin looks like after you exfoliate! then I use mascara on my top lid and a little eyeliner on my bottom lid, and then some petroleum jelly (my lifesaver) on my lips

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