
Do guys like it when you lightly bite their lip?

by  |  earlier

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I was making out with my boyfriend last night and i barely bit his lip just to mess around, he said he loved it but i'm just making sure....




  1. h**l YES !!!!

  2. totally normal, my husband love it.

  3. yes. they do..

    it pleasures them.

  4. Y3@p we do  

  5. Yes, Its The Best. Make Sure That You Don't Get Carried Away And Bite To Hard And Make Him Bleed Unless He's into That Kind Of Stuff.

  6. It's very s**y kissing but not for everyone. Got to be done gently!

  7. My husband loves it. Try even pushing the envelope a little more and being more aggressive and dominant. Guys love it. lol (Dont go crazy though! S+M or role playing or whatever should only be done if he is into it too! You dont want to scare him off)

  8. my bf does- its a turn on- he says it gives him chills lol

  9. YEAH!

    MY B0YFREN l0VES iT.


    && AlS0 HE l0VES WHEN i ACt liKE THE B0SS!!

    l0l. i JUX HAd T0 PUt THAt IN THERE. =]

  10. h**l yeah

    just dont take a bite out of my face, it can hurt.

    so ladies, be gentle.

  11. Ya depending on how their like just don't be to rough.

  12. u sound kinda shallow

  13. Yah its a turn on i like it when my girlfriend has done it to me

  14. among other things

  15. Yeah, they like it.

    Girls like it too though... maybe you should try it.

  16. some guys love it  

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