
Do guys like to be approached first?

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the question is, do guys prefer to be approached first to be asked out or is it better and more attractive when girls ask them out? and are some guys just plain shy and just want all the work done for them?




  1. I wanna know too!!! good question

  2. It really depends on the guy. Some guys are just really too shy and fearful of rejection to ask a girl out, so they wait (to their dismay) for the girl to ask them out. However, even though these guys are shy and fear rejection it is no reason for a girl to do all the work for them. Rather, if the girl is interested in such a guy, then she should try talking to them. Flirt with the guy, but keep in mind some guys are completely oblivious to when they're being swooned by a girl ><. The girl should keep company around him and hint at how she enjoys his company. Then, the guy should have some confidence to ask the girl out because he's gotten to know her and feels like the chance of rejection is lessened.

  3. Depends on the guy but it is much easier when the girl asks me out. There's no fear of rejection if to say i was to make an attempt to ask out a girl. Guess i am shy then. Iv been shocked before at girls that i thought would never date me asked me out!  

  4. Is it attractive when a woman asks a man out?  Depends on a man's self-esteem, and what he thinks of her.  Sometimes he can get a bit freaked out by that (i.e., if he doesn't think he's good enough to date a girl, he might wonder what's wrong with such a woman who thinks he's okay).

    On the other hand, if he's really had his mind set on her, but he's just afraid, sometimes a few signs from her direction help move things along, and provide relief.

    But is it "better"?  I would say, in the interests of society (where I think we need men who learn social skills and men who learn to take confident action and initiative), it's probably better if girls force boys to learn how to do the asking.  

    Knowing how to sell oneself is a vital life skill (for men and women).  So let's not let boys get too lazy on that score.

  5. well yeah it would be nice well for me maybe with other guys it would mess with there "manlinessess" lol but 9 outta ten times if the guy doesnt approach nothing happens  

  6. yes we do. big confident booster right there.

    but we also prefer if we were allowed time to make the decision.

    so instead of asking for a yes-or-no answer, just write down your phone number and give it to him.

  7. If it's a pretty girl, then YES! And yes to the last question men are naturally lazy!

  8. Intersect at an optimum point .

  9. I'm really shy when it comes to asking out girls, so i would like it better if a girl would ask me out first.

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