
Do guys need to...???

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Do guys NEEEED to m********e? Or do they just do it to feel good?

my bf told me that he does it only about once a week. Should he be doing it more often?

If he gets hard and doesn't m********e for a long time is there anything that will happen? besides going crazy XD

I'm curious! plz be nice :P




  1. do it when u cant get none.  good way to relax

  2. It isn't a physical need, but that doesn't mean that his body won't feel like it does. Guys' bodies can create very strong urges to do so. All men m********e.

    If he doesn't m********e for a long time, nothing bad is likely to happen. Some guys have wet dreams when they have not ejaculated in a while. Some guys experience pain if they do not ejaculate for a long time.

    It is not a sign he does not care for you that he masturbates. It's normal and all guys do it.  

  3. girlfriend hes lying to you  he probbably meant to say  i doint one time a week plus seven more times  ha ha

  4. You dont need to masturbating its not a thing like food or water

  5. We dont need too, just it feels good and relieves stress.

    Its up to him how much he does it.

    Nothing will happen.

    Its the same for males and females, just males are more open about it

  6. No, guys do not NEED to m********e. It's not like their head (or any other part of their anatomy!) will explode if they don't. Nor is it going to make them unwell.

    There is some evidence that regular orgasms - whether from masturbation or s*x - are good for men in the long-term. The suggestion is that if the prostate gland gets a regular work-out, then there are less likely to be problems with it when the guy gets to middle age. (A lot of men in the 50+ age range do have problems with their prostates, but I assume this is a long way away for your boyfriend.)

    One effect of not masturbating often that you might possibly notice (when and if your relationship involves sexual contact between the two of you) is that guys who abstain tend to go off fairly quickly when there's any sort of stimulation.

    Having an erection for a very long time without having an o****m can be rather painful: everything gets very tense down there and it's sort of like a lot of pressure building up for an explosion that never happens. But the erection will fade eventually and no lasting harm is done.

    If your boyfriend masturbates once a week, I assume this is because that's what feels right for him. If so, that's cool. But if he does it once a week because he's bought some BS peddled by some religious nut but he feels very frustrated and would rather do it more often, then maybe he should do a bit of research on the subject.

  7. Dont worry about him nothing would happen if he only masturbates once a week but when a boy says once a week he means once a day.

  8. it releives sexual tension, most do it more frequently than he's reporting

  9. do it to feel doubt bout it!
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