
Do guys on motorcycles look cool to you if they don't have helmets on?

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Do they look dorky 'with' helmets? Just wondering...I've been reading about some motorcycle accident deaths and none of the ones I've read about were wearing their helmet. I'm just curious about people's thoughts and reactions, thanks.




  1. A helmet is very good protection for your head, but does not guarantee that you won't die in an accident. You could have your head lopped off or your gut crushed flat like a bug on a windshield.

    It's not about looking cool. It's about being safe and living to see tomorrow.

    I have a helmet put away that looks like someone took a machete to a styrofoam ball. It has lots of dried brown stains all over it. I'm very glad I was wearing it when it got 'damaged'.

    Guys look 'dorky' when they ride in flip-flops or with shorts on or when they're flouting common sense. Guys on Harleys look stupid when their feet are up on highway bars and not at the controls.

    Wearing a helmet does not make one look 'dorky'.

    Not wearing a helmet is like flying a flag that says "Look at me! I'm Stupid".

  2. No, psh. Helmet hair is the best. Haha, but really they look stupid without them because they're most likely to get hurt one day. Here in Chicago, no one wears a helmet. Idiots.

  3. Dorky or not!?  I mean, seriously, it's life or death!  Guys who don't wear helmets look arrogant, like they think they can beat death.  Good luck with that, fellas.  They'll be dead 10 minutes down the road.  Helmets will at least save lives.  So, just wear the helmet, okay?  If anything, it makes you look wise.

  4. wear the helmet with a dark tint visor so you cant really see your face that looks good. guys that dont wear helmets look stupid because of how unsafe it is.

  5. look cool till u get hit

  6. No

    I knew some people that worked in an E.R...they call those guys "Donorcycle riders" because when they crack their head open on the pavement they tend to die, but their vital organs are still healthy and thats where the hearts, kidneys, lungs, livers, corneas, and skin they need for other patients come from.

    So to me they look like future organ donors....and the folks who are awaiting a transplant would probably thank them.

  7. Look Cool......................No way!!!!!!!!!!

    Forget the guys riding the bike, even those sitting behind should wear a helmet....I had two accidents - just a fall, one as a rider and the other as a pillion...Both the times, my helmet came to my rescue!!!

  8. I think helmets should be absolutely mandatory when riding a motorcycle. No one is necessarily concerned with whether seat belts look cool or not but we are required to wear those (even those a lot of people don't). Bottom line--it saves lives!

    This year will be the 10th year anniversary of my father's death. He died in a motorcycle accident. He was wearing a helmet--a helmet could not have stopped a drunk driver from running a stop sign. However, he had been in several serious accidents prior to this when the helmet had saved his life. Either way--when it was his time to go, it was his time to go. But individuals should not risk their lives for the sake of being cool.

    If anything--wouldn't you rather keep the bugs out of your mouth?!

  9. I think they look even better with helmets because it makes them mysterious and deceptive (if you have a tinted helmet) and it is always good to wear a helmet.

  10. My opinion: riding a motorcycle without a helmet is a form of suicide.

  11. No they look stupid and careless.............

  12. i can see where people may come from about the dorkiness but when i see a guy without a helmet im thinking thats dangerous and he could seriously get hurt.  It happens to be those guys (who think they are tough and don't need helmets) becoming the ones that die or get seriously hurt.

  13. I think people who ride motorcycles without helmets and either jeans or leathers on look like complete idiots...

  14. never thought about it one way or the other............

  15. Find one that you like.  it helps.  Safety glasses are a pain in the @ss too.  But after you get something in your eye it does not seem that bad anymore.  Just find one that you like.  Experience.  learn from older people that have been there.


  16. Guys with helmets look smart and that's the type of guy I want. Guys without helmets look stupid. They apparently didn't get the memo that a helmet can be the thing that saves your life and if 'looking cool' means more to them than staying alive then suddenly they don't look so 'cool' anymore.

    EDIT: if it's too hot to wear a helmet, drive the car.

  17. No...they don't look "cool"...they look stupid. seatbelts in cars...can and do save lives. I had a call a few years ago that was a motorcycle accident. The guy's helmet was eaten up by the skid. However, he only suffered some abrasions to his legs, arms and chin.

    Now that is a cool enough to wear a helmet and proper clothing to protect him enough to avoid serious injury. His leathers were pretty trashed. However, I shudder to think what might have happened if he had been wearing less durable clothing.


    Let me add that a person who thinks he looks cool riding without a helmet will look a lot cooler in the morgue's cooler.

  18. No they just look like tools. It's stupid if you don't.

    I like guys that wear helmets and walk into banks. They're funny.

  19. Winter = helmet

    summer = no helmet

    Ever rode in +100 degree temps?

  20. If your not wearing a helmet, you not only look stupid you are stupid.

  21. I am of the generation that read Arthur C Clarke evaluation of advances in modern medicine & believed him when he said "If you live to year 2000, you will live forever."  Well I now know he was wrong about that, so if I am lucky I will live to be 100, but there's prudent behavior needed to get there.

    It is a sad reflection on civiilization that there are people who could care less if they live to age 30, who practice a life style with driving, drugs, alcohol etc. that could get them killed any day now, and maybe take some other people with them to the grave.

    When I find a friend who behaves this way, I try to gently persuade them to change their life style, but if I can't, I then distance myself from them, so that when they kill themselves, the paid is not so great, as if they had been a close friend when this happens.

    I see these future suicides every day.

    Bicyclists on the Interstate.

    All manner of skate boarders & riders with no safety gear

    Driving at nite with no lites

    pedestrians who don't look where they are going

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