
Do guys really like the girly girls?

by  |  earlier

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I was never a girly girl ever since I was, well, born. I like to joke around with everyone girls/guys. I guess I'm like buddy buddy type but I never seem to attract the guys I like with this personality. So would guys forever just see me as a friend type of girl? How can I act more "lady like" but still be myself? Because I enjoy making other laugh =]




  1. I certainly do.

  2. most girly girls are annoying and don't know when to stop.

    try flirting.

  3. Wow I would like to date you lol!!!(Jk)(but ya maybe if I get to know you) I think girly girlys get annoying too.I like girls that don't say Aww I broke my nail.My last girl was a tom girl she liked baggy clths  she lopikes to wwar a hat.The only thing I like about girlgirly is that they like to cudly alot.and they alwasy give hugsssss offer hugs lol

  4. Some guys do, some guys don't. Its preference I guess. So don't worry bout it. Just try to spend a bit more time on clothes and makeup(not too much!) and you'll do fine. Never dumb urself down or be someone you're not. Good luck though!

  5. Well if you want to be girly do stuff with your hair alot, and wear girly stuff, and have nice nails, and chew with your mouth closed in small bites, and giggle like a little girl.

  6. In most cases, attracting your ideal...person is difficult no matter who you are.

    For us mortals, at least. So I wouldn't try to change to much.

    As for my personal opinion as a guy; I've fallen for tomboys, girly girls and everything in between, and some weird ones that I can't categorize. So yes, there are boys who go for things other then the girly girl.....persona.

    Although I'll say this; the ones who try so hard to fit the "female" stereotype are a LOT more boring then the ones who don't.

  7. No i dont

  8. Just be yourself guys like to laugh with us.It sounds as if you want to try other things though so why not get some girly cloths and spend a little more time over your makeup .

  9. if that's who u are, that's the best image u can portray, and guys love girls who are true to themselves

  10. Well, I did a little survey, and the guys said that they by far preferred the more feminine girls (not "girly"...feminine), but I'm sure that some guys will absolutely love your personality.

  11. Guys like a girly girl in the bedroom and a tom-boy the rest of the time.

    I think each girl should have a mix of both. A girl that can be smart, responsible and get r done during the day and be a girly girl at night.

    If you were all girly girl or all tom-boy it would be a turn off.

    Guys like to get stuff done and don't like someone worried about their hair getting in the way or trying to rely on someone that can't get anything done because of her nails.

    At night, guys do not want to be with someone that smells like oil or has rough hands.

    Try being more girly girl when you are alone with a boy you like or when just hanging out.

  12. Obviously

  13. No a lot of guys like the non- girly girls all my guy friends hate girly girls because with girls like us they can just joke around or be a guy around us I know a lot of guys that go for guys like me they never go for me just for people like me and girly girls freak me out their just weird in my opinion.

    Be who you are if you change yourself and a guy falls for you then you know that he's not falling for the real you he's falling for who your pretending to be there are guys out there that will love you for you if they don't then that's their problem and their loss.

    Good luck

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