
Do guys really think about s*x every 8 seconds?

by Guest67093  |  earlier

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I hear that all the time, I was wondering why. Haah.




  1. No not every eight seconds and the reason we got that stereo type is because when we do think about s*x it is overwhelming its like were possessed.  

  2. I think men think about sexual things quite often.   Every 8 seconds seems a bit high, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's every few minutes or so.

  3. no they dont

  4. if i was a bull rider i defiantly wouldn't be thinking about it evey 8 seconds because i would be trying to stay on the bull i'm not a bull rider but 8 second is c**p i think i don't think about it every 8 seconds i give my self credit for not having it on my mind every 8 seconds

  5. oh my gosh thats not true. it's more like every second of our lives

  6. Actually, it is said that guys think about WOMEN every 8 seconds, not s*x.  It is actually impossible to tell because if you are trying to to think about women or s*x, or count the times you think it, your actually thinking about s*x/women.  The only time you would know for sure would be to have it come to you naturally, but at that time you would start trying to think or not think about them... it is all very complicated.  So the answer is that it is impossible to tell and that fact is just a myth.  

  7. no its every other hour

  8. No, some guys are sweet and actually care about their girlfriends instead of s*x.

  9. prob and hormones bite us in the ***

  10. There were some surveys done back in the 1960's and some professional papers written by psychologists that "proved" guys thought about s*x every 8 seconds. I wondered then, and still do, just how those psychologists wrote the papers as they had to have been the ones doing the thinking and counting. Looking back over my life, I have thought about s*x a good bit, but certainly not every 8 seconds, I have typed all of this and have not thought anything but what is on the page, and it has been much longer than 8 seconds.

    Whenever I see a pretty gal, I do look at her, but s*x does not come to the front of my thoughts, and never has, at first. There are a lot of pretty women and girls and there is just not enough time to think about s*x with all of them. Besides, if a guy thinks about s*x every 8 seconds, as a separate event, how long could he actually think about each event? If he only thought about s*x for 4 seconds, that would mean that half of the time a guy would be thinking about s*x. How could he carry on a conversation, drive a car, eat, or do anything else.

    I don't think that it is possible to think about s*x every 8 seconds, even by a psychologist, regardless of their opinion of what they can do.

    They have to have an entire book just to format papers correctly.



  11. nah, food also consumes their mind.  

  12. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 7 7 7

    I think you are right....

  13. It's not true. Guys probably think about s*x more than women but not every 8 seconds. When I'm playing COD4 or concentrating on report for work, I'll go quite a while without thinking of s*x. But.. I do think of s*x a lot, especially when I'm around hot women.

  14. no, sometimes I think about the foreplay. :P

    maybe it's an average of every 8 secs when you divide the actual time spent thinking about s*x in a day. 24 hrs

  15. Sorry wasn't concentrating I was thinking about s*x too much.

  16. I dont think that my guy thinks abou it that much on his mind is beer and games...shoot me. if there is a guy that thinks about ut that much hit me uop

  17. for the most part yes...especially when ther is hot girls around

  18. Nope, every 5.8 seconds.

  19. lol gatta give this the " funny question"  award!! hahaha cracked me up!! haha thanx

    lol well yea guys at party r thinkin abt s*x probly every 4 seconds not even 8!! :P

    but guys in relationship r diffrent, if they r in love they dont really care abt s*x!!!

    and for the reason y guys think abt s*x so much, all i can say is that its male nature. same way that girls like lets say shopping soo much and guys never understand y, guys like s*x and girls never understand y :P

  20. For me it's more like 3 seconds...

  21. No. It is every 4 seconds.

  22. Every 8 seconds? What nonsense! In fact, I .... um.... sorry, what was the question?

  23. no, actually i don't

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