
Do guys think of women as people or objects?

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You hear all the time about women being objectified (men get objectified too....but thats not what my question is about) always saying 'i want to hit 'that'' or 'd**n, look at that ''' or something like that. when do guys realize that a women isnt an object, but a human? is there certain types of women you tend to objectify more than others?...idk. these questions just popped into my head and i thought id ask.




  1. Either grow thicker skin or wear really big cloths because objectifying each other is just a part of life.

  2. i view women as pieces of meat. but that shouldnt make them angry at me. because i view myself as a piece of meat as well. we are all just pieces of meat. and until i meet someone who proves me otherwise, i am going to stand by my beliefs.

  3. Any time a woman fantasizes about a man, checks out his butt,  admires his pecs, or comments on a mans attractiveness she is "objectifying" him.

    Only when a man does it, is it   considered to be offensive.

    The whole notion of "objectifying" someone is just absurd.

  4. I think of all people as people, nothing less.  If the media portrays "men always saying I wanna hit that," that's not an accurate representation of men.  If this is the conclusion that one has arrived at, there's nothing I can do to persuade one otherwise, nothing.

  5. Yes and yes.

    I think of my wife and my friends who are female as people.  Generally, most women are people to me.

    Then I see girls who are out tanning themselves or purposefully showing off and wearing skimpy clothes, dancing provocatively, and I see them as meat, things to look at and nothing more.

    It depends on the girl, really.

  6. By definition, people are objects.

  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^


  8. Well I think that most guys look at women as people (unless they are in Saudi Arabia/Iran or something). When guys and girls say comments like "I'd hit that" or "look at that", it doesn't mean they are looking at each other like objects, they just cannot help it. It's human nature to admire each others bodies. As long as they care more about whats inside, while still admiring the outside, then they look at each other as people, while fantasizing about their outside as well. :)

  9. Kiki did ya see what he did to himself for the machinist? What an actor.

    Yeah, agreed, in the same way ya can almost forgive Jackson because of that Billy Jean bass line,

    People objectify each other all the time, pc nonsense has fooled you into thinking that it's some kind of thought crime. Of course its ok for women to do it isn't it?, the day pc thought police outlaw objectifying is the day I leave. I've got a spaceship and everything.

  10. I'm sure there are plenty of men who, on a daily basis, objectify, demean and otherwise malign women, their character and their thoughts but those men are the minority. I personally have yet to come in contact with a man who was this way. I hope I never do.

    Most people have some objectifying thoughts towards another. I personally "objectify" Hugh Jackman and Gerard Butler everytime I see a movie with them in it.

    It doesn't mean that we wish them harm or to do wrong by them but we are human, we are animals and we are driven by our natural instinct to find the best and most fit person to mate with. When we think these "objectifying" thoughts we are internalizing how this person is the best mate for us in the physical sense.

  11. Human beings.  Yes some of us objectify women who are scantily dressed and dressed in a provacative manner.

  12. Of course we're human beings; no matter how a man looks at us or any one else for that matter we are human-beings; only sometimes we are objectived human-beings.

  13. *shrugs*

    I objectify men on a daily basis.

    Christian Bale is one fine piece of man meat ;)

    Eoghan...totally dude! We should all worship the momma-beater lol.

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