
Do hadith'ites think prophet Muhammad & shaheeds are going to intercede for people on the day of judgment?

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Is it in quran?

(Hadith'ites = people who rely on hadiths, not quran).




  1. None will have the power of intercession save he who has received a promise from the Gracious God. (19:87 Quran)

    On that day intercession shall not avail save the intercession of him whom the Gracious God grants permission and with whose word of faith He is pleased. (20:109 Quran)

    No intercession avails with Him, except of him whom He permits it, until when the hearts of those who are granted permission to intercede are relieved of awe, others would say, 'What is that your Lord said?' They will answer, 'The truth.' And He is the High, the Great.

    (34:23 Quran)

    And those on whom they call beside Him possess no power of intercession but only he may intercede who bears witness to the truth, and they know this well. (43:86 Quran)

    It has been narrated that Aba Hanifah was once eating food with Imam as Sadiq . Imam lifted his hand to eat some food and at this time said: "all praise is due to Allah, the charisher and Sustainer of all the Worlds. O' Allah! This (food) has come from you and from your Messenger (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family)

    Abu Hanifah said to the Imam: "O' Aba 'Abdullah have you set up partners with Allah (through this prayer of yours) ?"

    The Imam said to him (Abu Hanifah): "fie on you! Surely Allah the Great has said in His Book, [and they did no t find fault except because Allah and His Messenger enriched them out of His Grace] (9:74)and He the nobel and grand has said in another place (in the Qur'an) [And if they were content with what Allah and his messenger had given them and had said: Allah is sufficient for us, then Allah would soon give us (more) out of his grace and His Messenger too (would also give us out of his grace)] (9:59)

    Abu Hanifah then said, I swear by Allah it is as if I have never read these two versus in the Book of Allah nor have I ever heard these two versus up until this point (in my life)."

    Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol.10, page216, section 13

    Edit: So how did i curse him? Please explain?

  2. Shut up Muhyi al Din, may Allah curse you for curseing a believer like FTL.

    Muhyi deen whatever.

  3. By Hadith'ites, the asker means, those who believe in Hadiths e.g. Sunni, Shia, Wahabis etc.

    As per Quran, there will be STRICTLY NO INTERCESSION. It is an utter impossibility and useless.  

  4. Ranoush- What you just said clearly contradicts the Quran.

    O ye who believe! spend of that wherewith We have provided you ere a DAY come when there will be no trafficking, nor friendship, NOR INTERCESSION. The disbelievers, they are the wrong-doers (2:254)

    "day" is a reference to judgment day is it not?

    Ranoush- wrong chapter. When you see this specific verse you will realise it will contradict your first answer.

  5. Hadith'ites  ! who are they ? when they exist ?

    “It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqaam Mahmood (a station of praise and glory, i.e., the honour of intercession on the Day of Resurrection)”

    [al-Isra’ 17:79]

    Read  Tafsir Ibn Kathir :-

    you wanna Know More ? Here you go :-

    @ FTL (Turba Charged) curse on you for lying about Imam Abu Hanifa[May Allah have Mercy on him].when you COPY-PASTE something first look it Authenticity specially when from Shiite books where there no truth exist.

    Edit @ Asker , different people Translate ' Maqaam Mahmood  ' differently. Ahadith gives evidence what  ' Maqaam Mahmood ' is.

    Edit @ pepper_girl9 , You unclean Raafidi(shia) , How can a Raafidi be a Believer ?

    Imam Abu Hanifah said;

    "Whoever doubts whether they are disbelievers has himself committed disbelief."

    Imam Malik said;

    "Do not speak to them or narrate from them, for surely they are liars."

    Imam Ash-Shafi'i said ;

    "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Raafidi(Shia)."

    Abu Zur'ah ar-Razi said;

    "If you see someone degrade any of the companions of the ProphetSAWS know that he is a disbeliever."

    Imam Al-Alusi: declared the raafidi(Shia )disbelievers because of their defamation of the sahaba. Al-Alusi said,

    "No, they are really followers of the devils and the Ahl al-Bayt are innocent of them."

  6. FIRST look at this.

    2:254 (Baqara No.254) "مَنْ ذَا الَّذِي يَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلَّا بِإِذْنِهِ"

    who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission?

    it is said but by his permission. It is not said "NO ONE CAN INTERCEDE". so when they are some people that can intercede according to this and to relating hadiths ===> Who are better that Holy Prophet and Imams ?


    it says that the people who intercede on the day of judgement can just intercede in the sins that is related to god (حق الله) and they cannot intercede the sins that is commited against another human. Those sins is just forgivable by the people who the sin is commited against them. Just remember this.

  7. Weeeellllll.................

    In the Quran it does say that none will intercede except by Allahs Grace. It Also says to do things as to gain our Prophets prayers which he has prayed for the Believers in this Ummah.

    Maybe not such as an intercession but as MERCY AND BLESSINGS that we get from it.

    Allahu allum


  8. Following is one Ayah I know in Quran where in Allah says no intercession will be accepted.

    48 Then guard yourselves against a day when one soul shall not avail another nor shall intercession be accepted for her, nor shall compensation be taken from her, nor shall anyone be helped (from outside).  

    There are two more Ayahs like that and in the third Ayahs Allah has added at the end ......except those who will be permitted.

    This refers to the promise Allah made to Prophet that Allah will allow Prophet Mohammad to speak on behalf of his Ummah for their forgiveness,. He will only say about those who are destined to get some punishment for their sins were more than good deeds, saying.....

    O  Allah these are your Ibad and your creations.and believerfs in you.  If you punish them, you have right to do so,   if you forgive them you are the Most Merciful. Then it will be upto Allah to forgive or punish.

    There is no guarantee that Allah will forgive them all for the intercession of Prophet Mohammad SAW.  

    Prophet can't say that so and so is a good Muslims because Allah knows about every one in detail and Prophet doesn't know their secret sins specially ones who were born after Prophet died. What

    would he say to intercede for people whom he didn't know.   Living on false hope that Prophet will have them forgiven  and continue sinful life is  the worst stupidity.  One has to do righteous deeds and good practicing believer so Allah Himself forgives Him with His own Mercy and he doesn't need any intercession. This is what most scholars of Islam teach us.

    I am 65 and have been listening lectures on Islam all  my life and have studied a Islam very well..  I never read or heard that Shaheed will be allowed to intercede on behalf of people.  No  this is fabrication of

    Shia people.  They worship graves of Hazrat Ali (cousin and son in ;law of Prophet) and the graves of his grand sons Hassan and Hussain. They punish themselves with metal chains and blades because they themselves betrayed Hussain by inviting him in Iraq and then didn't support him in fight with the army of the then Khalifa named Yazeed came to kill Hussain.  They seperated themselves from Sunnis and then fabricated all kinds of ahadith to justify their wrong beliefs.  Top  Sunni Muslim Scholars of 8th & 9th centuries have written about Shias that Shias are the worst liars.

    Prophet has said that on the Day of Judgment Prophets, Shaheed and

    True scholars of Islam will be resurrected first.  Souls of these people are/were sent straight to heaven  without a waiting period for their souls in Barzagh like for the soul of all humans have to wait till the end of the world for resurrection. .

  9. i know there are quranians,but hadithities?:P

    anyway,we know that Muhammed(SAW) will intercede for people on the day of judgment inshAllah..

    i read somewhere that the shaheed intercede for 70 ppl of his family,not sure if that is correct..


    (Baqara:254) ''who is he that can intercede with Him but by His permission?''

    that does not deny there's an intercetion,matter of fact,it proves it,and Allah gave the prophet the shafa'a...

    other than him,we'll wait till the day of judgment so we can know..

    but there are hadiths about kids who died young and will intercede for their parents,shaheeds will intercede for their family..etc...but we don't know who will Allah let him to that.


    OOOOk..chapter 2

    @Adnan...wrong chapter?!! subhanAllah!!! this is ayatul-kursy(the chair's verse) any 6yo kid knows it is in the Baqara,second chapter.and knows it by heart...u can't accuse me of getting wrong verse or meaning as i read the quran in its original script,in Arabic,if ''ur'' quran is different,then it is mistranslated,but the original quran(Arabic) is still the same.

  10. yes  and the people who follows hadiths should have to say their prayers (which is part of hadiths)

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