
Do hamsters like sunlight. cause my cousin have a hamster rgiht now and i do too and he says it does???>.ivy

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Do hamsters like sunlight. cause my cousin have a hamster rgiht now and i do too and he says it does???>.ivy




  1. well, hamsters are nocturnal so they are primarily awake during the night and asleep during the day

    for this reason they really don't need to see well, hamsters are pretty much blind however they find their way around via smell

    too much light will cause a hamster to stress out, stress can cause a world of other health issues for a hamster

    for this reason, I would try to keep the room completely dark at night while they are awake

    too much dark can confuse a hamster

    for this reason I would allow sunlight into your room during the day

    too much sunlight can overheat a hamster

    for this reason I would not put your hamster's cage anywhere near the window

    so basically what you want to do is allow natural sunlight in during the day but not have the sunlight shining directly on your hamster; at night try to keep the lights off and the room dark so that your hamster does not become stressed, if for any reason you need to stay up late and keep your light on then I would throw a blanket over your hamsters cage to deflect the light and ease their stress

  2. they sometimes do..but too much sunlight can change their behavior

  3. I'm no expert but some types can get sores and blisters from being in the sun to long

  4. well yes but make sure it has shade and light because to  much sun can kill over heats it!!

    my friend had a hamster and she put it straight in the sun and it died..

  5. Hamsters should never have their cage placed in direct sunlight but being outside is good for the little guys.

  6. No, direct sunlight is not good for hamsters and can cause them to be lethargic and dehydrate. In the wild, hamsters are burrowing animals and live under the ground and are not exposed to direct sunlight and hence are not adapted to living under sunlight in the open. The same goes for tamed hamsters. Keep them away from direct sunlight and wind drafts in a constant room temperature of 60-70 & a mildly dim environment.

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