
Do hamsters like to burrow?

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Hi, i might be getting a hamster soon and I was wondering if I should add a area for my hamster to burrow in useing peat hay and wood shavings




  1. They love to burrow. it is sorta funny. they come out with bedding on their heads. you don't need to do anything special for them. they will pile up bedding on there own and burrow in it.

  2. hamster love to burrow. Get some kleenex and shred them up a little bit and throw them in there cage. They will stuff them in there mouth and pull them back out and make a house out of them. It sounds weird but they are so cute when they do that!

  3. They LOVE to burrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. Hamsters love to create tunnels and dens! You could use a box to make an area for your hamster to do this in. My friend uses a big shoebox and fills it with soft bedding (like Carefresh) and her hammie loves to dig out tunnels and make nests. Good luck with your hamster!

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