
Do harley guys fear speed because their bikes aren't aerodynamic?

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i know even 120 mph would suck if i didn't have my fairings holding me down to the road, let alone 180




  1. Quit comparing everything to a Harley. What the f*#k is up with that. That is truely a complex problem. Leave us out of it you rice eating, crotch rocket riding dweeb!

  2. It may have something to do with it.  I took a buddies naked bike out for a ride once and the wind above 120mph makes you hold on quite abit tighter, causing me to think about what would happen if a person got a tank slapper and had to hold on so tight--I think you would dump the bike, thank god I did not have to find out

  3. Ladybug got it right. How about it Ladybug?

  4. Any of you a******s that are doing over 100 on a bike are making us all look bad. You boys ARE the problem. Grow up!

  5. No they dont like it because its somthing they cant practice. Most guy i know with harleys can barely break 100. I doubt a dresser will do 95. My one friend got his to 105 and said 100 to 105 was a LONG time. I have a victory that will go in the mid 120s and i have my hands full. The wind buffering is huge. While a rocket at that speed feels like you could step off

  6. I'll admit that this harley rider fears speed and yes, that is one of the reasons.

  7. we fear your next redundant question even more!

  8. i don't think they "fear" speed at all. cruiser style bikes where never designed to even flirt with the speeds that sportbikes are capable of. u know that lil thing on your forks called a steering stabilizer? ever seen one on a cruiser? what about that 120 fr and 180re tire that was designed for the track? or the fact that at full tuck you and the bike are stream-lined. or that fact that you and machine combined don't weigh as much as most cruisers wet. modern day sportbikes are essentially race bikes for the street. cruisers on the other hand are designed for the long, comfortable haul. they hold a straight line at steady speed for hundreds of miles sucking from their massive fuel tanks. lots of bottom-end torque, storage or at least saddlebags, wide comfy seats, relaxed up-right riding position. cd players. american-pride. next time your out riding try getting up to a buck 10 or 20 and sit upright (hold on) and then u tell me; are they scared or is that just uncomfortable??  one day many many years from now i could see myself riding a cruiser. but for now i'm happy with my sportbike. i think you opened up a can of worms with this one bud.

  9. magz,the way i see it,you have two choices,give up or come up with some new material,youre getting really boring asking the same sh&t everyday,ride what you ride,and shut the fock up

  10. I don't think Harley guys fear speed, they just fear the harley falling apart once they reach 85mph.

    Just kidding, I ride a Harley and usually my hair is on fire as I'm going down the road.

    Good job trying to poke at us again.

  11. i love speed on any set of wheels my hd tops out at 118mph if it went faster i'd go faster, but yes the wind is much more intense when you're sitting up w/ it in your chest as opposed to how you are yourself in a more aerodynamic position while ride a sport bike.

  12. Hmmmm....I am a Harley guy. I do not fear speed.

    What is wrong with cruising? Just because a person prefers a cruiser it does not make the scared of speed. I have owned sport bikes, dual sports and cruisers. I like the cruiser. It is big, loud and comfortable with a radio. It makes my commute nice and enjoyable. How many sport bike riders will ride from California to South Dakota on their bike?

    I ride with my buddies who own sport bikes. I have never had a problem keeping up with them. Sure I may drag my primary cover in a corner but I am still hanging with them, aerodynamic or not!

    Why would you hate on someone because they choose to ride a different style of bike? Sound narrow minded to me.

    I have been close to 180 on a GSXR. I don't see why you would want to put your life at stake at that speed. I did it once and that was enough. I had a car pull out in front of me while I was pinned in 4th (well over 110) on a sport bike. I went over the bars and landed on my head. I broke my helmet and back along with my ankle and lost the tips off of all 10 of my toes. The right side of my body was road rash. I rode the bike home. As soon as I was able to walk again, I got right back on a bike and still ride daily.

    I never said riding was dangerous for the rest. I do not buy cheap gear and you can't always see a car pulling out from a side street between 2 other cars when you are on the gas.

    You must have missed the entire point. EVERYONE has a choice as to what they want to ride!

  13. Idiots scare me more than speed does.

  14. You should spend more time on your bike and less on your computer.Cruiser- racer- speed limit 75 mph

    It truly is a shame that you lack the ability to comprehend that different people are looking for different things when they ride.

    May your wisdom increase with your years

  15. In defense of the Harley riders, I don't think they fear speed, but that it's just not their style especially when they have a bike that is meant to go at cruising speeds and not racing.

    Before I got my Ninja ZX6R, I was riding a Harley Sportster 883C.

    The laid back , feet forward position of a cruiser is not a natural position when you want to have the best response out of your motorcyle when riding fast and taking corners.  

    Harleys also have great amounts of torque and when alot of these Harley guys say that can beat a 600cc sportbike off the line, they aren't kidding.

    In a long distrance race with many turns, sportbikes own Harleys and other cruisers.

  16. Yes  you have to hang on but all of the fairings are not necessary take a close look at my avatar. Been faster just as it sets.

  17. I'm not afraid of speed...if I wan't to take my life in my hands and go so fast nobody can see me, I'll ride my j*p bike. And if I want to cruise the country side or get laid I'll take the Harley. I guess it's all what you're into.

    oh and while we are on the subject of fear......why is it i never see you croch rocket guys at the biker bars you are "bikers" right?

  18. I live with constant fear.

  19. ". . .120 mph would suck if I didn't have my fairings holding me down to the road. . ."

    First things first.  I don't ride a Harley.  They ain't for me.  I'm more inclined towards sport bikes, though I ride a dual sport (BMW F650GS Dakar, 83,000 miles since 2001).  

    The above statement about the fairings holding him down is just plain silly, and reveals a fundamental misunderstanding about the purpose of aerodynamics in motorcycles.  

    In cars, it is often important for very fast vehicles to create downforce through their aerodynamics.  That's because, fundamentally, cars are shaped similar to wings.  Very fast race cars can develop enough upward force to become unstable at speed, and get into some really spectacular crashes.  The wings you see mounted to race cars are generally meant to counteract this force, and to provide some additional downforce.  Why?  To give the tires more traction.  This doesn't come for free, of course.  The downforce will also limit the top speed of the cars.  Lift (even though it is directed down, because the wings are inverted) will create drag.  

    In motorcycles, the shape is a whole lot less like a wing.  In general, motorcycles are far less aerodynamic than a car.  The fairings on a motorcycle are designed for two primary purposes;  to give the rider some protection from the wind, and to smooth out the otherwise fairly bumpy outer surface of the motorcycle.  Downforce does not play into this equation at all, as it's not necessary.

    So the statement about the fairings holding him down to the road?  Doesn't make sense.  Carry on with the bike-bashing, now.

  20. I second the fearless comment above.  Besides, harleys have too much style to zoom by in a blur; you can't admire a beauty going by that fast.

  21. I never knew a Harley guy to fear ANYTHING!

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