
Do harley riders remind you of golfers?

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sure it qualifies as a "sport" just like harles qualify as a "motorcycle" (under similar justifications) but they don't compare to real athletes, do they?

golfers: they get mad if you make noise while they are trying to swing...

any other sport: crowd is cheering and screaming the whole time...

harley riders: get afraid and mad when speed and horsepower get beyond double digits

any other motorcyclist: live in triple digits, and consider anything less to be unacceptable...

do you think this is a "fair" analogy?

do you think this is an "accurate" analogy?




  1. I think your problem is you don't know or understand the definition of the term "sports".

    Golf (and tennis, for that matter) are different from other sports in that Golf is a "gentleman's" game/sport.  THAT'S a big difference.  

    Also, professional golfers (& tennis players) have to EARN their money!  They don't get paid if they don't play; and don't get paid at all when they don't make the "cut"!

    Golf is based on the honor system.  In golf you are even expected to call a violation penalty on yourself, even if nobody else saw it!  If grounded your putter gettin ready to putt and the wind blows your ball ¼ are expected to call a penalty on yourself and assess a 1 stroke penalty.

    You'de never see a linebacker call a "clipping" penalty on himself!

    The same goes in tennis.  In an unrefereed match, if your opponent calls your ball out, your ball is out and play continues.

    So, your analogy is flawwed because you don't understand golf!  Since you are ignorant of what golf is about, you can't pose a credible analogy.

    Learn more about your subject matter before posting ignorant questions.

  2. Truthfully, i don't think you've ever been on a golf course. Golf is a sport, it's just a different sport. That's like saying curling or bowling isn't a sport. The crowd is quiet most of the time when the guys are bowling too. Or how about darts? they all have their own "professionals" and are considered sports.

    I don't think it's a fair analogy, nor an accurate one. i know a large amount of harley riders that have new engine mods that have way more torque and can reach way over 150mph. The reason harley riders don't ride fast is because they're not retards who think it's cool to speed down the road on a bike that looks like a toy. They would rather cruise slow and in comfort and show off what you'll never have... STYLE.

  3. I think you are a r****d. Of course golf is a sport. Try walking the eighteen holes without getting tired. Let alone play the holes too. And Harleys are a much better bike. I won't go into detail. But there is a reason their resale value is much greater than that of your import c**p.


  4. yeah...I'm not sure I could handle "walking" all day either, I MIGHT break a hip. Then how would I be able to get my ensure?

  5. I have heard the story over 100 times about - why would anyone wish to chase that little white ball.

    You need to understand that golf is a game that you compete with yourself.  Having friends with you is a plus, but not necessary.  

    Please who get angry on the golf course forget the first lesson of golf.  IT IS A GAME!!!!!!  

    Your analogy of a Harley rider and a golfer is pretty good.  But all sports can be identified as you did.  

    It is very obvious that you have not played the game -- and you definely love your Harley!

  6. I'd say a "fair" and  "accurate" description of you would be that you're a tool.

  7. You are a Bone Stock ******* idiot.

  8. It's not a good analogy at all. How does quiet relate to lack of speed and HP?

    And for the record, there are plenty of sports where the crowd is quiet. If you think it's easy to play 18 holes walking, give it a try and then come back and criticize.

    Edit: Do you think it's a "fair" analogy to say that young men bragging about their modded motorcycles are compensating for something like middle aged men driving convertibles?

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