
Do hauntings more frequently occur at night or is this a myth?

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I am up at 2:45 AM. My house feels kind of spookier than usual. I don't think it's the dark because I was up at 11 PM in the dark and was not spooked. Just wondering, I don't think my house is old enough for any ghosts though.

Does activity happen more at night? Why or why not?

Feel free to say if you don't believe they happen at all. If so, do you agree that things are spookier at ngiht? Why do you think?




  1. Yes, more hauntings occur around 3:00 am. It is called Dead Time. It is believed to be the time when spirits are most active. hauntings also happen more when you are alone.

  2. It really doesn't matter when a haunting occurs. It can be either day or night.  Sometimes people are more prone for being scared when it is night time because they have misconceptions about the spirit world.  What I mean is this, when you watch scary movies the plot always seems to be when? At night.  So we are almost programmed that scary things that go bump in the night happen when it is night time.  But, if a haunting is real then it is going to happen anytime.  

  3. firstly It may just be that it was after midnight (at midnight the veil between the living and the dead is at its thinnest) secondly your house doesn't need to be old for ghosts to haunt it and thirdly, it couldve been just trapped memories and energy that you noticed, especially if your house is made of stone brick or wood.  

  4. yes they do come out more at night. i cant give you more details but i do know this

  5. It depends on who you ask, whether they believe in ghosts, are superstitious etc.

    Night time seems like it happens more because the human mind lends itself to see things and hear things that it cant explain. What better time for it to happen when (if your in a dark house) one of your senses isn't at its highest.

    I think it would all be perception though if a house was really haunted i doubt ghosts would care what time it was to show themselves.  

  6. Nope, Hauntings happen throughout the day, you simply have more time to notice them at night when your mind is silent and your open to experiencing strange things.  Your filters are down just before you go to sleep which means that you are open to greater influences from the outside world.  If you have ever lived in a truly haunted house you will have observed the events taking place in broad daylight.  If you live in just a spooky house you are simply going to experience things at night.  If its there its there all the time, if its a figment of your imagination its there when you are wanting to experience it.  :D

    Hope I helped.

  7. I do believe in hauntings and I definitely think nights are spookier.Even all the ghost hunting missions are carried out during night and with all lights out.I think that night time is when the spirits are most active .I have had no personal experience but I think paranormal activity is more at night.

  8. well  when it happened to me and the tv in my sons room would turn on by itself 'the volume was blasting up and down' the tv stations were flipping back and fourth  it happened at 2 am for 3 nights straight. Then we unplugged the sucker and tossed it to the curb. A few nights after that  at 2 am    my dogs would wake me up growling at the closet in the living room and whimper to go outside.  Then the weirder **** began during the daytime/ We began to notice door k***s turning on their own - the faucet in the bathroom turning on by itself- there was no air conditioning in the house-but there were cold spots in the living room-(as if you walked into a   freezer)then lastly one morning    the closet door in the living room slammed open -(almost hitting my son)things were flying off the top shelf onto the closet floor. It freaked me out so bad  we moved 2 months later. So anything is possible when there is a  poltergiest in your house  

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