
Do have to get any shots when going to or leaving peru?

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Do have to get any shots when going to or leaving peru?




  1. You do not have to take any shots going to/leaving Perú.

    This is what the website Peru Travel says about vaccinations:

    "There are no vaccinations that are required by law to enter Peru. However, there are some that are recommended: Cholera, Hepatitis A, Tetanus, Diptheria, Typhoid and Yellow Fever. Many of these vaccinations are recommended if you are spending any time in the jungle. Malaria is also common in the Amazon region and you can ask your doctor for malaria tablets.

    Check with your doctor at least six weeks prior to traveling because some shots take time to become effective. Ask them what they recommend and the possible side effects of each vaccination. For further details regarding vaccinations for Peru, visit the U.S. Center for Disease Control's website at "

  2. Hi About to avoid illnesses in Peru, you have to worry only for the By the jungle areas is essential the insect repellent, but you will find mosquitos in the highlands too by the streams and bushes. As for the yellow fever it just exist in the amazon jungle, if you go there you must have been vaccinated, on the other hand for Malaria drink pills for that.

    About preventions that should take to avoid the altitude sickness and diarrea problems?

    According to physicians the best way to aclimatize if you are especially coming from the sea level, is naturally by drinking more liquids as normal as possible like water, and coca tea. Altitude sickness take just two days, and you could feel some dizzyness or a light headacke . Walk slowly the and do not eat too much the first day. The third day you will be ready to ascend higher elevations. If you have decided to drink pills like DIAMOX to avoid altitude sickness you must have consulted your physician, if so, then you will have to start 24 or 48 hours before ascending the higher elevetions (more than 2000 meters above sea level). As for diarrea traveler in order to avoid it, tourist must clean hands, eat only vegetables without peel. Do not drink any drop of water from the faucet.

    You can see more FAQS for travelers at

  3. If you're giong to the jungle yes.

    And about leaving, it depends on what country you enter.  If you enter the US, no, but some places like OZ require them

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