
Do heated towel rails / wireless internet connection and cable boxes use up a lot of electricity?

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The cable box and internet connection are linked to each other somehow and can't turn the cable box off anymore.




  1. A heated towel rail will use up so much more electricity / energy than the internet and cable that you shouldn't even group them together in the same question.  

    In fact your internet and cable connections use up so little energy that if you are that worried about saving such a small amount of energy you should not even use a computer or TV.  Running your computer for 1 hour would use up more energy than your internet and cable box would use in an entire week.

    And your heated towel rail would use more energy than your computer.

  2. It totally depends on the wattage (look on the back) of each devices.

    The towel rail will use most. By "cable box" do you mean cable TV box? The wireless internet unit will use next to nothing.

  3. As a general rule any appliance that generates direct heat uses up a lot more electricity than those that don't

  4. heated towel rails do.... cable boxes use about 20 watts constantly (unless they record in which case it is more). WIFI doesnt use much though.

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