
Do hens, roosters, chickens, birds in general have internal s*x or do they have exterior fertilization?

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Do hens, roosters, chickens, birds in general have internal s*x or do they have exterior fertilization?




  1. Internal.

    No holes in the eggs for external fertilization.

  2. They are gendered (i.e. boys and girls) and reproduce sexually.

    Just go outside during the spring to a park or something, listen and watch. You'll get the picture :-)

    bye for now.

  3. Birds reproduce using internal fertilization. Most birds do not have a p***s (ostriches and ducks are a couple that do), and mate simply by pressing their cloacas together - the cloaca is the single opening birds use to mate, excrete and lay eggs. The male squirts his sperm into the female, where it swims to her eggs and fertilizes them. The eggs are then coated in shell and laid.

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