
Do high or low cortisol levels cause / aggravate panic/anxiety/stress attacks?

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I have a feeling my panic/anxiety and high levels of stress are caused by cortisol. However, I am unsure whether it is too much or too little cortisol that causes the anxiety/panic/stress problems.




  1. too much cortisol produces Cushing syndrome too little results in  Cortisol Deficiency both lead to debilitating fatigue. However too much adrenalin can cause anxiety. The cure for that is to burn it off with exercise or movement.

  2. The answer to your question is yes, but it is not that simple. I had Cushing's and my husband said he is much happier with me now, with no adrenals, as I am much much calmer now.

    With high cortisol - your body feels like it is constantly under attack. Other hormones like thyroid can do that at well. Too little makes the blood pressure drop and makes a person not react well to stress. I have that now as I have no adrenals.

    Many hormones can aggravate these feelings. Even my high prolactin did. Have all your hormones been checked? just to make sure others are not off balance as well?

  3. Hi, I am the author of

    Do not worry, I am not spamming my site - my site don't sell products or anything. My site is solely dedicated to panic-attacks or people whom have anxiety. I give tips on how to sleep even if you have anxiety.

    Please do visit and post any questions there or here so that I can help you further.

    I have been a sufferer for 12-years and am doing well. My blog is dedicated to help. I will be updating my blog every 5-7 days on new ways to cope anxiety. I have just made few good entries on coping - I hope it will help you.

    I started out taking prozac 20mg daily.. then it dropped to 10mg and now I am just taking 5mg and still doing very well. I might be considering taking medication off my life.

    And most importantly, I am here to help you because I know how it feels to have anxiety or panic attacks.

    There are free tips and free items on relaxation and such for you to download!

    All the best,


  4. I encourage you to look into the benefits of adding Magnesium to your diet. I am speaking strictly from personal experience. I had horrible horrible anxiety attacks with my anxiety disorder. As a matter of fact, people in the ER know me by name-it is so embarrassing when you know that logically you are not having a heart attack but emotionally you know you are certainly going to die! :) Magnesium has helped me tremendously. I still have anxiety but the attacks are infrequent. Men should take at least 400 mg of Magnesium per day and women about half of that. The body expels excess so there is no chance of overload. An additional benefit of Magnesium is that it is great for your heart-particularly a benefit for anxiety sufferers-reassurance :)  

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