
Do high school kids prefer red gatorade over red powerade? and Why?

by Guest33392  |  earlier

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Do high school kids prefer red gatorade over red powerade? and Why?




  1. ya they do the red gatorade is better i think the red powerade taist to much like punch... but ya i dont really know why other kids like gatorade better....

  2. Neither, they're both really bad for you and taste groce!!

  3. I think red gatorade is better because red powerade doesn't have such as good taste and can sometimes seem to have less flavour (more of a watery taste).

  4. i'm in hs. and i really dont care both good but i do kinda lean towards the red gatorade dont know why

  5. personally i prefer the red gatorade to the red powerade because i like the flavor more. i like G2 more then gatorade. everyone has different taste so i don't think it's appropriate to pickout high schoolers nor the red "flavor".

    p.s. a kid is a baby goat.

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