
Do high school place kickers use tees for extra points?

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Do high school place kickers use tees for extra points?




  1. i know some do for extra points, but its not mandatory or illegal to use one/not use one  

  2. Most schools I know of do.

  3. Yes they do. You are allowed to use them in highschool. Even the best kickers use them.

  4. no

  5. In most states the HSAA group has specific rules and the use of a kicking tee for extra points and field goals is prohibited. You can use a kicking block, a rubber block with a groove bottom (again there are specific size restrictions) with no pronges (like a kick off tee). Most high schoolers use kicking blocks for various reasons, among them is generally speaking the fields arent in top condition so uneven ground makes it a more difficult task. Another big reason is it helps elevate the ball quicker, high schoolers generally dont have have the leg strength or technique to get the ball up quickly.  Plus imagine how tough it would be to take a snap and properly place a ball on a tee with the extensions on them, kicking blocks yes....tee' (per high school athletic assoc. rules in every state I am aware of).

  6. No tee.    some use a kicking block

  7. i think so because middle school used one

  8. kick block for us.  

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