
Do hindus still regard banishing onions/garlics as neccesary to being a pure vegetarian?

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or enlightenment...?




  1. onions n garlics were thought to be aphrodisiac by some so people on the path to salvation etc did not eat them...but i guess its ok for regular vegetarian Hindus to have it....but theres a particular day called ekadashi which comes every fortnight or so     when onions n garlic are banned more for the reason that it gives our tummies a rest!

  2. Vegetarian is an English word. Onions and garlic are roots of plants so there is no conflict.

    I have heard that Jains do not eat those foods as well as Hare Krishnas but I don't know why.

  3. It depends on how conservative they are and the practices of the region. It's not really to be strict vegetarian but to be religiously pure of body pollutants.

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