
Do home schooling parents lean towards the Republican Party.?

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Do home schooling parents lean towards the Republican Party.?




  1. This home schooling parent doesn't.  We are politically neutral in our home.

  2. If I lived in the States, I'd be a Democrat all the way.

  3. I home school, but I would not say I was a Republican or Democrat. I vote for the one I feel is telling the truth the most regardless of the party.  That's actually a very hard choice regardless of your party preference.

  4. mmm... i was home-schooled my last year of high school & we're a bunch of democrats. I can't speak for the masses though.

  5. No, homeschooling parents are all over the board when it comes to politics.  Just on this site alone there are Conservative and Moderate Republicans, Libertarians, Moderates who go between various parties, Liberal Democrats, Conservatives/ Moderates/ Liberals who don't claim a party, and lots of other political leanings.

    Homeschooling really has nothing to do with political affiliation; it has everything to do with the desire to provide your child with what is best for them as an individual, whatever that might be.

  6. My family never votes Democrat, always Republican.  I vote Libertarian.

  7. Homeschool parents are people, just like everyone else.  We come in all shapes, sizes and political leanings.

  8. Hmm...we don't have 'the Republican Party' here so no, they don't (*smile*. Contrary to what some people seem to believe this board isn't meant solely for American members of Yahoo. The URL I'm currently using to post this here refers to the version of yahoo based in a country other than the US. It's not even in the same hemisphere!)

    Personally my parents tend to go for the National Party or the Country Liberal Party.

    As for me, I'm staunchly pro-home education and I love *some* of the stuff that One Nation propose.

  9. My parents home-schooled me and they were Republicans. Lots of conservatives feel the need to home-school.

  10. Not all, I'm more in the 'run away screaming from the Republican party' camp ;-)

  11. My husband and I are both libertarians...

  12. Hmm...I don't know if they do in general, but I know that we plan on homeschooling our son and we vote democratic.

  13. We don't. My mom is a democrat as far as registration goes, but she always votes differently depending on who is running. She just wants people to be treated fairly, as do I. I'll be voting this year for the first time (yay!) and while I'm not sure which candidate i want to vote for, I consider myself to be a libertarian.

  14. Used to. We Republicans wanted to get rid of the Dept. of Education and now we've doubled the size of it. It's terrible.

  15. Some homeschoolers are democrats, some are republicans, some are Christian, some are Catholic, some are Pagan, some drive VW's and some (a few) drive Cadillacs.

    Myself, I am conservative, so I usually end up voting republican.  For this election I am considering writing in the name of my dog though.

    I also drive a Ford Windstar.  :oP

  16. I'm a homeschooler and a liberal Democrat. I have homeschooling friends who range from third party voters, like Libertarians to staunch Republicans. Over all homeschooling is about education and family. It is not political until we have to defend our rights as parents and educators.

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