
Do homeless people in the USA drive Mercedes Benz like .. .. trolleys ?

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Because the USA is the land of the rich ?




  1. That the US is the land of the rich is a myth. We have a great deal of poverty here, even if it isn't as great as in other countries. Most people certainly don't own a Mercedes Benz, I can tell you that much.

    Maybe our government has more money than any other, but our citizens don't benefit from it as much as they should. If you ask me, there is no excuse for a hungry or homeless citizen in America. If we have billions to spend on bombs, we should have the money to buy food for the needy.

  2. Mercedes are common place here, as are Range Rovers. The latest must have is the Bentley Continental. Six times the price of a modest Merc.

    The German Marque Company is currently owned by American car makers Ford. The Japanese car makers Lexus range is incredibly popular and considered high quality and the discerning thinking professionals car.

  3. Very few people drive Mercedes Benz's period. And I'm willing to bet absolutely no homeless people drive one because if they did they should sell it and use the money to buy a suit, get an apartment, and find a job.

  4. Mercedes Benz in the US are extremely expensive vehicles.

    (Unlike Europe which uses them for taxis!)

    And I don't believe I personally even know anyone who actually owns one.

    American salaries are well sadly below those of European Industrialized nations.

    We also do not have socialized medicine, whereas a single illness within a family can actually financially destroy them.

    The US doesn't have the reliable public transportation that European countries do.

    Most Americans have lousy commutes between their homes and jobs, some taking a hour in traffic one way.

    75% of US vehicles are American or Japanese 4 door small to mid-size vehicles costing well LESS than $30,000.

    An 18 yr old in Ireland on his first job makes more money than I do, and an 18 yr old Australian makes almost twice what I do.

    Europeans come to the US and go crazy shopping because they think our cost of living is SO much cheaper than their own countries.

    What they don't realize is that it HAS to be, because we do not make the saleries they do.

    That's why you see billions of foriegn tourists in the US and very FEW American tourists in Europe.

    We can't AFFORD to travel like that.

    Hardly any Americans that haven't been in the military have been outside of the country, and hardly outside of their state & region.

    We simply can't afford to.

  5. very few people in the USA drive Mercedes... on average, Americans have a lower annual salary than Europeans. The average American salary is under $24,000 a year. You'll need to leave that "America is the land of the rich" misconception behind, the world has changed and it simply isnt true any more.

  6. It may be so.

    But we in India drive Trolleys like Mercedes and BMW!  How's that for innovation!!!

  7. are you crazy.? do you think homlessnes is a joke ?

    it is on the rise here right now and it is not funny. no we dont drive mercedes benzes .the average person is not rich. they are losing their homes  and cant afford  gas or health insurance only movie stars drive mercedes . grow up or at least try to get facts before you speak..

  8. usa is not the land of the rich. it is the land of the many poor the medium middle class, and the very few rich.

  9. No. With high gas price, they can only afford to push their trolleys like a SUV.

  10. I have helped the homeless for 25 years!  My husband asked me once, "Name one of your friends, that has a home, a car or a job!  I could not answer that!  Because, none of them did!

  11. First of all, the first answerer doesn't know what he's talking about.  Average U.S. household income was $48,201 in 2006.  There are a few European countries with higher incomes, but their tax rates are also considerably higher, making their disposable income (what you have left over after paying all your bills, food, housing, etc.) less.

    That said, not a lot of Americans drive Mercedes.  If you drive one, it is assumed that either you are rich (even by American standards), or a drug dealer.

    While I can't speak for the homeless here, those who are poor still have it as good as most middle-class people in other countries.  Most poor people here still have a car, TV, fridge, microwave, etc.

    A lot of the homeless here fall into one of two categories.  Most long-term homeless have a mental or other disability which prevents them from keeping a regular job.  A lot of homeless are only homeless for a little while, though, until they can find a job and housing again.

    I'm surprised people still think of the U.S. as the land of the rich.  Americans can be pretty whiny at times, because a lot of us don't know just how bad things can really be in other parts of the world.  If we did, we'd be more grateful for what we have and less complaining about the minor inconveniences in our lives.

  12. The way the economy is going, the few of us that have a Mercedes will likely be living out of it- After paying the car payment, not enough will be left over to pay the home mortgage!

    You can always live in your car, but you can't drive your house around!

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