
Do honour, ap, etc. classes really matter that much? ?

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My HS doesn't offer any of these. What can I do that will look equally good on an college app - other than good grades and super high test scores? I can't go out for sports - my school forces students to take all or none. There are no clubs or extra-curriculars except group improv, ew, and drama, maybe. PLEASE help!




  1. I suggest either changing schools, or make do with what you have you know?

    your school sounds rough :/ and Its nice to see that your willing to take the extra steps, it shows your determined for it,

    so either do as much as your school offers, or change schools.

    it does matter, not too much, but it has a significant value, because your college doesnt know who you are, besides on the application you turn in, so make your application sparkling!

  2. sonds as if your school is one of those in the lower tier. This MAY be an advantage IF your grades and SATs are very high. If you come from a disadvantaged school, the top colleges will look favorably on your academic acheivements.

    As for activities, aren't there any local civic orgs that need volunteers? local library might want people to read to little kids? get the idea?

    BTW, the principal is probably not stupid: just that what you want is not offered and he can't move everyone else's schedule around to meet your needs. If you go to college, you will find that that happens all too often and that you get a crummy schedule.......

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