My new OTTB (off the track for one month),was shod 14 days ago, by a gyp backsmith. Within 4 days he threw a front shoe the other was on by a thread. So the regular barn blacksmith reshod both fron feet, 10 days ago. Within 2 days it became apparent that he had accidentaly driven one of the heel nails too high. I had the vet come out and pull the shoe. No mention was made of an abcess. The horse was in extreme pain. I have been soaking that foot every day in hot water and epsom salt and putting a icthomol poultice boot on for turn out in the pony field. He does not seem visbaly lame to me, but when the blacksmith came 2 days ago, he would not put the shoe back on becasue the horse reacted to the hood testers. He dug around a bit on the sole and no puss came out. there is no heat in the foot. other than the first day the vet puilled the shoe i have NOT been giving bute. We have talked about putting a glue on shoe. is this safe? what should i do?