
Do horses get worked up from storms ect..?

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at the yard were i keep my horse there is about 6 other horses, they all share the field and most stay in there night and day. the past couple of days the weather has been really bad and a few storms have been passing over so i decided to bring my mare in and another two girls brought their horses in aswel. the other two horses and my horse were acting very strange! they seemed to be really worked up and wouldnt settle we all gave them some feed and a haynet but they just wouldnt stand still and they kept circling around in their stables. later on i went to ride my horse and when i got on her and ready to go she started rearing... she has never reared before and none of the horses have acted like this when in the stables before so my question is.. will the horses be un settled and worried because of the storms because we really cant think of anything else causing the problem!!




  1. It is not just horses, most animals have a reaction to storms that are coming.  For dogs start to have a fit to come in the house and I can guarantee that 5-15 mins later it starts thundering.  Like my own personal forecasters =).

  2. yes they do they somtimes know before a storm a humans way of feeling somthing is wrong you should never get in with them just stand in a safe area and gently talk to them never ride a horse after a storm you need to leave it to the nexy day

  3. When I lived in NH I was in a densely wooded area.  My horses could only see the sky if they lifted their heads and turned them to one side.  Never had a problem, unless we had high winds.

    That freaked them out (lots of falling branches all around..and trees)

    Moved to NC and now they can see for MILES AND MILES!  They can see the sky and every bolt of lightning.  Something they never seen before.  

    They were terrified and out of control.  Bolting around, slipping and sliding down onto their sides, screaming and just lost their minds.

    NOW..they run right for the lean-to and stay there til the winds and rain die down.  No panic.  If there is loud booms they shudder and get wide eyed.  The lightning shows used to be the worst but now they are learning to just stay in the barn and deal with it.  It took 2 years.

    This summer is the first time they can tolerate an electrical storm.

    Horses that are panicky like this then put in a stall with a metal roof (loud when it rains or the thunder booms) will be even more terrified.  A radio to drown out the noise is suggested.  Give them a few hours the next day to stretch in the field and inspect the area before riding.   They gotta make sure the sky horse eater didn't get thier buddy's or set up camp in their field. :)

    I am thinking this was your problem.  Your horse thought the intruder may still be lurking and needed to check out the grounds.

    My horses do better if given a choice to be in or out.  Choose to stand out in the middle of the dang storm if alot of lightning.

    I'd NEVER ride a horse during high winds that isn't well seasoned (Black bunny's, Blue Sage Badger's horses).

    No fun in that at all!

  4. yea my horse get very high spirited when there are storms and when he sees fireworks they go crazy too

  5. yes...... the change in pressure effects them

  6. Some horses will get nervous about storms, especially if they aren't used to hearing them from the inside (especially if you have a tin roof that is loud when the rain hits it).  Everything sounds different to them when they are inside, like rain and wind.  They will usually get used to it over time.  However some are just nervous about it and might not ever get over it.  I know one who goes nuts every time it storms, and he's heard them his entire life (6 years).  He paces his stall and does nervous whinnies like every 5 seconds.

  7. Indeed they will.  The storms create air pressure and horses ears in particular are sensitive, so they would have  felt this atmospheric change - yes.

  8. Definately. A horse at our yard is not necessarily afraid of storms but loud bangs and is petrified of thunder.  Ask yourself what she was like to ride maybe the following day or when you rode her next and if back to normal there is your answer. If not then some other underlying problem xx

  9. My horse absolutely freaks in thunder and lightening! I can't put a rug on her because she sweats under it into a white foam. I can't bring her in because she box walks and jumps around the stable. Then again, she's scared of all bangs like fireworks and gunshots. I don't know any other horse that's bothered about storms. Maybe a bit jumpy, but as long as they can see what's going on they've always been fine outside in my experience. However I know alot of horses that hate being inside through thunder storms, simply because they can't see where the noise is coming from. It just confuses their senses.

  10. All animals might start acting up before or during a storm, although many just weather it out.

    Horses could be a bit grumpy or lethargic, though many can't be bothered with it.

    Birds and cats and dogs may either be especially noisy or go deadly silent - hence the phrase "The calm before the storm!"

    Also wind can set a horse off - a normally calm one will completely change carachter when the wind gets under their tails.

  11. Yes..without a doubt...I've read where horses can actually feel a storm brewing way before we have any idea..they feel it in their hooves...if you watch them in a field, they will very often prepare themselve by turning their backs towards the way the storm is coming from.  They have very keen senses and awareness!! Sight, hearing, feeling, smelling...

  12. It more then likely has to do with the storm the horse knows that the storm is coming before it actually hits and if they are in an environment that they are not use to then they will act upon the flee instinct. It could be that your horse is in heat. She is more excited then usual due to her hormones. The best way to calm her down is give her plenty of water and if your horses are ever in a stall it is best to keep a radio going so that she will get use to the sounds. Before you start riding her you should saddle her and do a quick lunge so that she can get her excitement out. It usually will get her to think about her surrounding's and the saddle.

  13. yeah its defff the storms.

  14. Babe, i've got mine at home & i am literally in & out with them - they are spinning!!!

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