
Do horses sleep standing?

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if yes.why?




  1. Usually, but not always.

    Horses usually sleep standing up thanks to a part of their body near their hip. This is known as their stifle, and it locks their back legs in place so they don't fall over. In the wild they need to jump up quickly and run.

    However, when a horse is in a comfortable environment they may lie down. Horses that are kept in stalls will a lot of times lie down at night.

    Horses also lie down when they are sore, or if they have stifle problems. It isn't always because they are sick. Although it can also be because of that. Some other causes can be dehydration and heat. There is many different signs of this, so laying down shouldn't be the only clue.

  2. yes but it is only a light sleep they lay down if they are in a deep sleep

  3. yes and no yes if they have other horses to keep watch like a leader like on the movie spirt no if there is only one and if the have babies babies sleep laying down because there mom is there and there legs arent that strong to stay up that long

  4. Horses typically sleep standing up because they are still 'programmed' as prey animals.  However, this is more true in some horses than others.  I have a 15 year old gelding who doesn't even lie down after a full dow with cows, but my husband's 7 year old mare lies down every night, no matter where we are or how tired she is.  They are built to be able to sleep standing up, but many horses are so domesticated that they no longer have the prey instinct to sleep standing up.  I hope this answers your question!!!

  5. For the most part, yes. This is because when they were wild, they were on the list for dinner. When they were awake they could out run the hunteres. So plenty of predators were willing to wait 'till they laid down to sleep to attack them. Then by the time they got up to run it was to late. Back to present. Now they still do the same thing. However, some horses, especially if they have lived in the same spot a long time and are comfortable and farmiliar, will lay down at night to sleep. Hope I helped!

  6. yes.. they can.. they are able to do this because they have this cool ability that lets them lock their legs in standing position and allows them to sleep without laying down. horses usually do this as an act of defence. for example. if you own two horses u might find that one horse lays down and the others stands. the one standing is the horse that is "gaurding" a lot of time when horses are alone they stand sleeping to.. just protecting themselves..

  7. Yes they do. Its hard for them to move up and down.

  8. my mare never did sleep while laying down, she would lock her knees in place and sleep standing up.

  9. well i have 2 horses and they sleep laying down:)so i would say no..

  10. They have the ability to sleep standing, but most horses that are kept in stalls will nap standing and lie down to sleep.  Horses that are kept in stalls feel secure there, so they are comfortable laying down to sleep.  

    My old horse would sleep with his head in your lap if you sat by him when he was laying down.

    The reason that they have the ability to sleep while standing is to ensure a quick escape from predators.

  11. yea they do and they do that because it is there instinct

  12. They can sleep standing, but they can only go into a state of deep sleep when lying down.

  13. yes.  horses cannot lay down for very long because of their size and weight, it crushes their lungs and they cannot breathe well.  Horses have a system of "locks" in their joints/ligaments/tendons in their  legs that fixes their legs so that they can sleep while standing.  And horses do not sleep very much, about 2 hours in 24.

  14. yes,because they are prey animals,and if they are caught by a cougar laying down they are easy pray as it takes them a fair amount of time to get up.(they will nap laying down or sun bathe but only usually only if there is some other horse to keep watch)

  15. They can, but they do prefer to sleep lying down, so if they fall asleep standing it's more like a nap for them. I think.

  16. I would say some do. My dad has a few horses in his ranch, but I guess because they're young, or are females.

  17. They do sleep standing up, however they can nap laying down aswell (my old horse had a lovely habit of deciding to nap laying down on nights before a show... cremello horse....laying down in a stall... didn't mix very well). Asides from the fact of sleeping standing up because they are programmed to with their fight or flight instinct, I have also heard that it is also because their body mass is large enough that if they slept laying down long enough that they could crush their internal organs. I don't know how well this actually holds up, but thats what i've heard.

  18. usually they do. sometime they lie down not sure why they sleep standing up, i guess its just how they sleep!

    hope this help :)

  19. Yeah, the only time they lay down is when its giving birth, or is sick. Also in the wild, if they lie down and a predator came, it would take to long for them to get up.

  20. Yes

  21. Yes..although they do sleep laying down too

  22. They do because they are prey animals and need to be able to run, and leave quickly.

    However, if they feel very secure in a place, they may lay down to sleep. However, often 1 will stay standing up to be on guard, as such, to warn the others if necessary.

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