
Do hot dog carts have to be registered and have a license plate ??

by  |  earlier

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anybody know? i bought this hot dog cart in 2005 with no license plate. it didnt even occur to me that it would hve to have one. now when i go to sell it, they want a pink slip. all i hve is a bill of sale whoop de do. how do u sell something without a pink slip ??




  1. um it has to have license plates to travel down a road, anything does. I guess if you pushed it around it wouldnt need one. You definitely need to have a certificate from your department of health or whatever, best place is call city hall or your chamber of commerce, they can point you in the right direction.

  2. i think so i dont think anyone can just go on the street selling hot dogs there must be laws in how to sell them  

  3. The license it requires is a business license and a food handlers permit(issued by the health dept). It does not require a vehicle license plate unless it is motorized or towed as a trailer on the street.

  4. do you haul it down the road like a trailer?

  5. illegally.  why don't you go to the DMV or whoever handles these things in your town and get a pink slip?

  6. they have to be  registered

  7. A hot dog cart built to tow behind a vehicle is registered as a trailer.  If it is going to be used on the street for sales, it has to be plated.  If it is moved about on another trailer, and used only on private property or parking lots, it doesn't need plates.  If the person buying it is asking for the slip, obviously he wants to tow it.

    For those who talk about the food handling certificate and the business licences, I have to point out those are issued to the individual, are necessary to do retail food service, and have absolutely nothing to do with the trailer licence for the hot dog cart.

  8. Ya u could get arrested for that.Cause people could think your selling illegal food with poisens or something!!!

  9. Girlllll...i was rackin' my brain out, but you didn't mention if you were selling hotdogs since 2005, stopped selling, or never sold them for that matter!!!  You need to call DMV... ASAP !! Mannn, do you have or did you have a City Business License and Health Department Certificate of Inspection?

    I thought there was a way around this, by selling it and having the buyer purchase his own license plate. Upon moving it from your house, they would put maybe an old plate of theirs on it. But I did find this website of a guy that has a blog on hotdog carts, and he said anyone with any questions can write him! Besides calling DMV, ahh,

    I'd give it a shot in the dark and email him. Ya neva know!

    Anywayyyy, I wish ya much ya wanna bet, after this question/answer, i'll find out your

  10. You don't.  You have to arrange to get the appropriate documents.

  11. yes

  12.   Yes!Maam!!!

  13. ice cream trucks do. so yeah probably.

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