
Do how's my driving numbers really work?

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I take care of the "How's my driving" calls at work. We get the information and then send it to the corp. office. In the past two years I've been doing this it seems like it only gets worse. I dont' think the drivers care. What do you think?




  1. Well if it gose to the corp. office and they do nuthing about it there is really not much you can do but appolagize to the person that called it in. Most large corps. that I knoe of you get two call in's and they pull your licens for 3 months and make you work the dock. and your not gitting driver pay for it eather. you get dock pay after three months they go back on the road with a six month probation. one call in that time period of time your down the road without a truck.

  2. You also need to remember, that a lot of the calls you get are from pissed off car drivers that got caught behind a slow moving truck for a short distance, had been in any of the trucks blind spots and was cut off due to the driver not seeing the smaller vehicle that figure that they can call the 800 # and get the driver in trouble for slowing them down or because they did something stupid and almost got hit by the truck. (The blind spot on the right side of a commercial vehicle is large enough to completely HIDE a 2 STORY HOME)

    The companies take the information you provided them, contact the driver, dispatch or check out the tracking telemetry on the rig themselves (if the company uses any type of satellite communications equipment) and verifies if the complaint is legit or not and goes from there if the driver did in fact s***w up. I've worked as both a Professional Truck Driver and as a Law Enforcement officer, and truck safety is getting a whole lot better in America, not worse.

    Just keep answering the calls, pass on the information, it will be gone over and the trucking companies will determine if the complaint is legit or not and reprimand the driver if it is a valid complaint.

  3. The commercial companies that we have as customers use this and their drivers only get two shots at this and then they get canned, it works for them because they are thinking about the liability issues if the driver hits someone or worse.

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