
Do human evolve from monkeys if not how do we evolve??

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im confuse....i wanna know...




  1. Human started to evolve round 5 million years ago, Ardipithecus ramidus was the first ape to have same chararistic that are similar to moden day human, Ardipithecus ramidus then evolve to Australopithecus anamensis that was around 4 million years ago, after Australopithecus anamensis, two species then came along Kenyanthropus platyops and Australopithecus afarensis. Kenyanthropus platyops evolve Homo rudolfensis.  Homo rudolfensis crossbred with Homo habilis to produce Homo ergaster. Australopithecus afarensis evolve into 3 different species Australopithecus africanus, Australopithecus garhi and Homo habilis. Homo habilis crossbred with Homo rudolfensis, that produced Homo ergaster that evolve into two different species Homo erectus (hobbit) and Homo heidelbergensis. Homo heidelbergensis  evolve into Homo neanderthalensis and Homo sapiens (modern humans)

  2. Just think about it this way, if humans evolved from monkeys, you have to ask another question, where did monkeys come from, I'm a christian and know the bible pretty well, I never force religion on anyone because I don't believe in it. I believe in Jesus Christ. it's hard to believe it until you read it but the bible tells the whole story from the start of life on earth to the end in the last book of revelations. It's pretty cool, I lived a pretty tough life, made very good money later on and then found Christ and my whole life changed. No we didn't evolve from monkeys, they are just one of billions or more creatures that God created. God bless.

  3. It depends on what you want to believe. Most scientists say we evolved from an ancestor that is the primordial species of both humans and apes. If you listen to religious people, they will say that we were created in their god's image. It all comes down to whether you have faith in evolution or creation. I rather have faith in evolution because the leap of faith is a lot smaller than the leap of faith for a creator, active god. Just seems to be more evidence for evolution to me. However, religious people may say otherwise.

  4. indian told me before, he says he's monkey god. imao so we are from monkey species.

  5. Monkeys? No. But it is a fact that we have evolved from a common ancestor. I believe that life is the universal default. It exists in the harshest conditions on our planet. Life adapts to suit its environment; the mechanism for this adaptation is evolution; the minute changes between generations of a species that makes it better able to survive where it lives. Change something enough times and it becomes a new species. Do this Billions of times in many environments and you have many life forms of varying complexity.

    This is simply science. No fairy tales or hocus pocus is needed to explain it. If you want the MEANING of life, that's a different question altogether and at that point you can and should entertain non-scientific answers.

  6. All mammals have  a head and four limbs, with a spine (central nervous system), and eyes, ears, noses and tongues. Once we consider ourselves as another mammal, things start falling into space. Mammals that look alike (like meercats and ferrets) may or not be related, it takes a detailed analysis of the anatomy and physiology of each creature to see where it belongs - does it belong with felines, canines, equines, etc. Primates have been around for about 50 million years. All primates have a thumb, live in family groups generally headed by the most aggressive male, have very good vision,  and are ingenious at finding food.

    According to the popular author Dr. Jared Diamond, we are genetically closer to chimps than African elephants are to Indian elephants. Apes (the great and small) split off on their own branch of the primate tree about 8 million years ago. That's a fairly long time ago. What's so bad about being closely related to chimps anyway? Chimps are playful, curious, comic, have long lives, love s*x, and will fight each other for status in whatever society they find themselves in. They're also strong and agile. All in all, they're pretty cool. What's the problem?

  7. Not monkeys....apes.

  8. I used to be a hard core Christian.  I read the bible all the time.  I am a very rational person as well, though.  And, i started seeing faults with it.

    Yes, i think we evolved from at least something that resembled an ape.  Apes have had time to evolve since we evolved from them, though, so you must keep that in mind.  But, what else would we evolve from?

    A gorilla named Koko was able to learn over 1000 words of sign language.  Apes have minds that most resemble a human's.  It would make the most sense that we evolved from them.  Plus, a chimpanzee and a human's DNA are 98% similar.

  9. humans came from "apes".....and it is time that we {devolve} and go back to the trees and caves and start over again......

  10. Since you ask in terms of philosophy, however we are here is not that important, What are you going to do about it? As a Human you have gained the ability to ask this question at least kudos to evolution there, And Kudos to the One who started it all. Not the questions the evolution. Now that is the question.

  11. The world offers ecological niche opportunities.  The purpose of life is to attempt to fill these niches.  Earlier primate / hominids evolved into the particular species we have today as the earths bounty was distributed accordingly.

  12. We did not descend from monkeys, apes, or any such. We were each created as a unique species. And, no, I do not believe in "Out of Africa" or the "Big Bang" theory. All of these theories have so much in common; the main point being to put down people who have religious faith. But it takes more faith to believe in Darwinism, Out of Africa or the Big Bang than to believe in a religion.

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