
Do humans have a purpose on earth?

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Every animal and habitat has a purpose in the Earth. For example, lions keep the populations of animals in control, plants help convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and viceversa for animals, you get the point! But it stumbles me that I see humans for like a nuisance on Earth, then a benifit. We cause harmful greenhouse gases, destroy the ozone,destroy habitat and abuse animals, so what do we have that the Earth needs if that makes any sense. Do you think the Earth would be better off without humans?




  1. My  opinion is that our purpose on earth is to honor and Glorify God in every way possible.

  2. Since God created everything in the universe, yes, we do have a purpose and that is to serve and fellowship with God.  We have been indoctrinated with the dangerous, if not false idea that we humans are some sort of parasite or virus on the Earth.  Yes, we've made some bad mistakes considering our fellow humans and nature.  But that is no reason to want to chuck the entire human race because of a few idiots.  

  3. No.

    Nothing has any intrinsic purpose, a lion just is and does whatever it does not for any specific purpose, but because that is what is does.

    Trees convert CO2 into oxygen and sugar not because there is a need to do it but because they do it.

    When you look at the natural world you'll notice that it is basically, eat, mate, suffer, die.  That's not intelligent design in anyway but evolution blundering its way to something that works but not too well.

  4. wow, deep...ummm....well we wouldnt be hear if we didnt have a purpose and maybe we r just aliens trying to survive and discover. there is a purpose though or we wouldnt be here...just so many purposes or none at all. either way but i think there is many purposes.

  5. May I ask you a question?

    Were these proplems U 've mentioned there before  the last two centuries?!!!!

    I don't think so . SO, what happened?

    Thhere must be something wrong.

    I think people have changed.Succes means for them making more money, no matter how they get it. No matter what pretty manners have they lost.

    I think we must stop for a while and  ask ourselves frankly why were we created. How could we approach to the real satisfiction with ourselves,our comunity, our world and our environment.

    As I believe in God, I do believe complety we were created to work but according to the procedures designed by our creator which if followed wisdomly will change our planet to a paradise. Going without these procedures I do believe will result in the suffering of the humans.  


  6. Without human intervention, many species of animals would have already become extinct. We have learned to recycle many products we use daily. We are beginning to clean up our rivers and lakes. We rebuild sand dunes leveled by hurricanes. We are trying to save the rain forests.

    Yes, we definitely have a purpose.

  7. It depends upon your prospective.  If you believe in the creationist theory, there has to be a reason.  We are the only animals on earth (perhaps except dolphins and apes) who can communicate and impact the earth greatly.  That can be an up or a down, but if you think about it as the up, you could find many purposes.

    If you thinking of the evolutionists' theory we might not have a purpose.  Yes, some bad things happen because of us, but many of the environmental problems are not true and have other theories behind them.  That people like Al Gore don't want you to know.  

    People are different than any other living creature and we can think with free will and don't entirely rely on instinct.  Think of it this way:  Without people, would the earth be worth anything?

  8. Well, I used to think the the same way. But then I read a book called The invention of Hugo Cabot. In there, hugo figured out that the world is like a clock or the man made robot, and that every piece in there was needed and there was no extras. It was like the earth. So everyone was made here for a reason, like the answereer on top :)

  9. We are here to be the dominate species.

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