
Do humans have free-will?

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Do we have free-will? Can we make decisions?




  1. Yes.

    You made the decision to ask this question.

    And I have the free-will to answer it!

    One of Gods greatest gifts to us!

  2. Free will is here to use or not use i choose not to use it, i choose to let existence itself speak through me. Free will is less about making decisions and more about doing what you desire to do. Free will is for our desires to be met if we so choose to have them met then we have it, but if you let free will go you will find happiness through non-choice, and though it seems like captivity it is the most freedom you will ever get. In it you have freedom from choice.

  3. No we have goodwill. Which is nice when you need some extra clother but are a little broke.

  4. Yes. Yes.  

  5. no our decisions are definitely shaped by our society. thats why there is the word brainwash!! if you go to restaurant you only get to choose from their menu. yes you can go to a different restaurant you still can only choose from that restaurant as well. the same for our education as well. you can only lean what is in the curriculum. what about the clothes we wear? we can only wear what is being sold in the market. what about money. it is green..why is it not red? yellow? what about your girlfriend. you can only choose a girlfriend who you meet and who can understand your language. what about asking this can only ask question that you learn from school and ask your question to someone who can understand you. you can't ask your question to an animal. so basically we do make decisions out of something huge that is already predetermined for us.

  6. If there is a freewill, then it is more of a responsibility to make a choice than a power to shape up the outcome. Moreover, many a times I find that I can not understand in retrospect why I made a certain choice at a point in time.... it seems as though the choice too was made by me under the influence of some unknown factors. Is the freewill then not so free? This seems a very credible argument.

    On the other hand, it seems perfectly possible that everything that happens, including the choices that we think we have made, may well be simply links in a grand complex chain of cause and effect that is set off right in the Beginning and is simply unfolding following its own logical sequence and equation of cause and effect.

    Indeed there is no clear answer. Religion, however, would insist on the primacy of freewill, because it wants us to feel responsible without which it can not guide us into the 'preferred' route of life as it advocates...... the net result of this however is less of satisfaction and more of a sense of guilt that keeps plaguing us.

  7. Yes.

  8. Finally a nice question. Do you think that other animals have free will? Do you think that animals act based on something else than on instinct?

    Do you think that a spider does actually think about how to create his web? No he is just plain instincts. However his whole nervous system is very simple. But going even further into more complex systems such as of a dog or a human, you can as well think that we act on just a more complex set of instincts.

    The brain is a huge, complicated computer. Information comes in, is processed and comes out. How it will be processed and what comes out is predefined by the hardware.

  9. NO.

    If you look at it, no.

    I mean, look. Everyday, THINGS command us.

    You have to obey traffic rules.

    You have to get up at this time or that time.

    You have to go to school/work.

    You have to study for exams.

    And many others.

    I'm not saying that these RULES are bad, but it commands us, and for me, freedom is doing what you want, in the right way.

    I don't think we have free will.

    And then there's the government.


  10. yes....

    you have free will regarding your decisions...but the outcome of your decision is not yours.



  11. Yes you have free will! You have always had free will!

  12. Yes, but limited ones to our own little world.

    If we go too far the world crushes us and we die.

  13. We have free-will within the boundaries of thought (and known choice) that society has defined for us.

  14. yeah.. that's what humans do everyday, making decisions..

  15. Free will to do what?  Think what we are told to think, believe what we are told to believe, do what we are told to do, say what we are told to say, be interested in what we are told to be interested in.  We can all do absolutely anything that they let us do.  

    Example: there is still no evidence "AT ALL" that terrorists did 9/11.  All that did exist has been disproved.  There is a fantastic quantity of proved evidence that it was a false flag operation.  However, the TV tells you what to believe, and that my friend proves what I say.  We all have free will as long as we say exactly what we are told to say.  

  16. Yes, it's supposed to be the creator's greatest gift to us.

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