
Do humans have the right to destroy all the other animals on the planet?

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Is it true that humans have developed the technology to wipe out all life on earth? Do we have that right? Do we have the right to destroy ourselves if we want to? Do we have the right to destroy the other animal species as well?




  1. Hm..we can destroy all life on earth..But a human's mind is too narrow to bear all the faulty he has done.

    By the way we have no way to destroy or take anything if its not ours...Its ethic

    If you didn't created any species on earth

    you might as well have no rights to destroy anything

    Humans are selfish living animals

  2. if they do that god would be so upset with them b-cuz he put all those animal here for a reason so we hav absolutely no rite to do that all of the animals help us in someway like earthworms,spiders kill bugs 4 us,bats kills mosquitos 4 us, n pets  r there 4 us not 2 feel lonley

  3. first of all, its gonna happen anyways even if you try to prevent it but the round run is, doing so, is already s******g us over, marally, if it comes down to me and him, its gonna be me dont care what you say, but thats just how EVERYONE is, unless they are really not in thier right mind...but end to end, if we do do it, we are killing ourselves too,


  5. ummm....morally we dont have the right.

    Technologically we have that right.

    According to science we have evolved the most (intellegence) and we produced these weapons so we have the right to use them.

    Most animals go extisist anyways...their has been over 100 times as many animals total than their is now.

  6. If one has the knowledge and does so...right or wrong the animals die if they can not survive.

  7. Uhm, of course not. We do not own animals, we don't even have a reason to kill them, because they're just like us and we're both just sharing this world.

    It may be true that we're higher than them in some way, we have better intelligence, that's one. But we were made to take care of them too. Without them, we wouldn't be here. We have no right to kill, but we still do because we have to. We need protein in our body. xD

  8. no not all thats messed up but some is ok but to many and thats a bad thing

  9. WE have absolutely NO RIGHT to kill other species unless its absolutely necessary

  10. I dont know about rights but humans will do what humans have always done whether they have the right or not.  I think right is some concept about what is good or bad  It all works good untill someone comes along who cares not a bit about rights.  Then it is more like what gets done gets done.  There will always be those who feel it was right and there will always be those who feel it was wrong.

  11. well what do you think

  12. we humans are biologically animals,

    i dont think we have the right to destroy animals but somehow thats whats happening in the long term,

    in fact we humans are a product of evolution but now we have the power to change the course of evolution forever, thats ironic!

  13. NO WE DONT it is wrong and cruel. god didnt make this world for just us he made it for all living creatures

  14. what kind of question is that  

  15. of course not!  

    without them, there is no life for human to live in this world.

  16. We have the power.  Is there a moral right to kill other creatures?  I guess there is if you are hunting and its for survival.  But killing just for fun or just because its profitable to some business seems wrong.  If God created a creature doesn't it seem like He (or nature!) should decide when it goes extinct, not profit making business??

  17. If u believe in the bible u have the wright to 'rule' over all the creatures of the world but not destroy it.

  18. No.  Even if you don't have compassion for other life, we couldn't survive without a functioning ecological cycle, so it benefits us to maintain nature.

  19. I don't think anyone is advocating the destruction of all other animals on this planet.

  20. Depends on your belief system.

    If you believe in darwinism and similar Ideas,

    All living creatures billions of years ago have a common ancestor.

    All relatives to the origional 1st DNA and Genes .  So Basically it would not really matter if humans exterminate any given species as long as one species is still passing on the origianal genes from billions of years ago.

    What is the life-form, the DNA and Genes? Or the Organism and or species itself.  

  21. In Genesis, God told Adam basically that the earth was there for him to use, all the animals and plants, they were there for him to use as he pleased.  This has always been a basic thought of Jews/Christians/Muslims, that the world is there for us to use up!

    Other faiths believe that we share the earth with the other life forms.  In fact some traditions don't even have the concept of owning land.  You don't -own- the land, you are responsible for it, and the trees and flowers and animals that live on it, they are your guests, your wards!

    I think capitalism has had a large influence on Christian/Jewish/Muslim thinking.  Under capitalism the highest value is money, making money, getting ahead, creating wealth, being rich.  If you can make more money by destroying a piece of land, then destroying it is 'good' because the money is worth more than the land.  This is why Rush Limbaugh says that the most beautiful thing about a tree is what can be made from it.

    A Buddhist or a Cherokee or an African tribesman would certainly not think that way.

  22. Having the ability and the right are two completely different things. And nuclear weapons have existed for a while so I'm not sure why you say this as if we have a brand new technology invented yesterday.

    If we did destroy all other life, we ourselves would not survive. Not to mention there'd be no point to it. Interesting question but somewhat pointless. Maybe you should ask yourself if we should be allowed to keep technology that is capable of destroying the planet instead.

  23. The question should be we have rights to do it or not. "Rights" are only for humans. The animals would totally against it. So, the question should be "can we" and "should we".

    Yes, we can destroy all the other species in the world. But I am sure we the humans are gonna die soon( unstable ecosystem).

    And no we shouldn't!(it pretty much depends on what do u think).Why would we do something to hurt the others. The animals have feelings too! Although we are the strongest, but we really shouldn't destroy the weak animals. We should help them instead.

  24. Its not right, but its true.

    Were condecending people.

    I dont think we even have the right to eat the products and biproducts of other animals.

    If anything,

    Having this technology should mean that we can better ourselves and leave them be.

    People think its our right because we are the dominant species.

    That should just mean that we should be smart enough to be better than that.

  25. Not exactly ALL life on the planet. We could probably kill 99.99% of it. Cobalt bombs are nuclear bombs covered in Cobalt which when exposed to radiation becomes irradiated Nickel which has a half life of nearly 6 years. If enough nuclear warheads were detonated in the atmosphere and adequately positioned to distribute over 500 tonnes of the cobalt-now-nickel evenly around the world we could make the Earth completely inhospitable for 20 some years. Nearly all life except some microorganisms with slow organisms that resist radiation or are buried deep underground.

    The morals of such an action of course are nonexistent. However what is life? Life is just a collection of organic compounds brainlessly trudging along after billions of years of hit-or-miss evolution. We and every other creature are fleshy robots made of mud. Of course we like to think of ourselves as important so we developed the notion of the importance of life. Assuming life is important we shouldn't kill. Assuming life is important, but factoring in our convenience we shouldn't kill certain animals. We can kill bacteria by the trillions without a thought, we swat flies because they annoy us, we butcher cows and pigs for nutrition, and we finally draw the line at dogs and other intelligent animals because we like to think intelligence is important therefore any creature with some sort of intelligence is seen as important.

    When it comes to killing ourselves have at it. As a species our "suicide" would be our own fault. However its never "suicide" because we see ourselves as individuals and therefore any act of killing is known as murder. We see murder bad because dying has been routed in our brain as bad through evolution and since we have empathy we know others don't want to die so for the most part we oblige them.

  26. Focusing on ourselves would do. We are a very new virus on this planet and have a cognitive ability to excuse ourselves and save the planet. Thus, for instance, I refuse to reproduce.

  27. i don't know if that true but no one has the right to do that.

    God does, but he wouldn't .

    to destroy ourselves if we want to ? now thats is the subject if suicide, and i myself have suffered from a suicidal , my friends dad , he affected way more people than just himself .

    no no no no no , we don't have the right to destroy the other animal species , WE ARE ANiMALS !

    even more so than them , our kind kills just to kill !

    but no , no one has the right to put an end to everyone and everythings life .

    i don't think we have that technology though .

  28. Rights are nothing, worthless, figments of the imagination, given and taken at a whim. If you are depending on rights to save your butt, or anyone or anything else's butt, you are in for a rude awakening. The only thing that matters is action. If we can communicate with people, get them to agree on what should (or should not) be done, and get enough of them to do (or not do) it, then we have a chance of getting results. Personally, I think trying to get people do the right, or the noble, or even the sensible thing, is doomed to failure. There's not enough of us, or we're not powerful or coordinated enough, or something. I think the only chance is to appeal to their baser urges; that is, find a way to make greed work in our favor. Maybe I'm too pessimistic, but the rampant greed, ignorance and apathy sure do get me down sometimes.

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