
Do hydrogen cars emit drinkable water as a byproduct?

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Then wont the future interstates, highways, and busy streets be like driving right after a rain storm when every car is using hydrogen?




  1. assuming hydrogen cars would become a reality, such cars would emit water vapor, and not liquid, and the amounts of water will be in the range of 1 gallon per 60 miles or so. the result would make air on highways a little humid, but that's all.

  2. Well, theoretically, it emits H2O. But it is produced as steam, and whether the water is drinkable relies on the cleanliness of the engine.

    This is the same thing used in rockets in a much bigger scale, but rockets have an oxygen tank that hydrogen cars do not need due to space travel(no O2 in space)

  3. No.

    Of course it doesnt leak from an exhaust or something.

    There should be a tank inside.

  4. the oxidation of hydrogen produces H2O but the amount produced is tiny. Even if every car were hydrogen powered, which is unlikely, the road ways would be dry.

  5. you drink it if you want.  evian ain't THAT expensive

  6. Gasoline engines emit water vapor as well and in quantities just slightly less than a hydrogen car would. There are no problems with roads wet from exhaust now, so I don't think there would be with H2 powered cars either.

  7. yes

  8. idk

  9. i don`t know the technology,In Philippines one man having

    water fuelled car, Some chemical use to extract hydrogen

    from the water to use in carburetor fuel. Here emits oxygen


  10. Yeah, they do.

    On 30 Days, Morgan Spurlock, the creator, drank water emitted from the exhaust of a hydrogen vehicle. It was water, but had a slightly off taste to it.

    So since he didn't die or get sick, it's pretty safe to say it's drinkable, although I personally wouldn't go around filling my bottles with it.

  11. They will produce a very little water and will be just enough to damp a towel to wipe your car.

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