
Do hypnosis really work?

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  1. I do not know how hypnosis works but yes I have seen it work.  No one should try this;  but at a party when I was young, my parents were on their way over. My sister had agreed to allow herself to be hypnotize by one of our friends not a professional (we do now know how stupid we were) the person told her she was naked.  My parents had just arrived at the party unaware of what was going on. I will never forget

    the embarrass look on her face.The shame and the fear of not understanding how or why she was naked. It works and one should always leave it in the hands of a professional.

  2. hypnosis is good for relaxation but that is all.

  3. That is MAGIC. An Optical illusion.

    Not hypnosis.  I do Hypnotherapy for a profession.

    Neither of your examples are related at all to my field.

  4. ofcourse

  5. Its just magic trickery.. There is no reality in such stunts.. Its just an illusion to deceive..

  6. yes it really works

  7. These are tricks

  8. Ya, Hypnosis really works

      We should appreciate the work of the magicians who does that. Really in fraction of seconds, they make us attract to their job.


      It happens in fraction of second, and our eyes is not capable to catch those changing happening so fast. That's how they cheat us and show the magic.

    This is their haat ki safai

  9. Yes, they work is the short answer. The first one is not hypnosis, it's a psychic or spiritual power. The 2nd is a tantra (black magic) or some kind of real magic.

  10. Yes, of course, hypnosis works!!

    Hypnosis is a state when the conscious mind interacts with the unconscious self.

    It is different from hypnotism.

    In hypnosis, you are not in control of anyone else, you are self controlled.

    Hypnosis is a technique used by psychologists to revive any psychological pain of a patient. There are many cases in which patients go into their past lives.

    So, hypnosis really works.

    In fact, you can also do self hypnosis. Just meditate and concentrate on your breathing with no other thoughts coming to your mind. Do it in a calm place where you don't get disturbed.

  11. I think hypnosis can work for some people,but statistics have shown that only 1 out of 5 people can be hypnotized.

  12. David Blaine uses an old magic trick to levitate.  First he covers his feet so you can't see them, then while his feet are hidden he takes one foot out of his shoe.  Then he put puts the heel of his foot to the side of the shoe holding it between his other shoe and goes on his tippy toes lifting both shoes into the air.

  13. most of the people around us don't know anything about hypnosis..

    many will discard the topic by saying it is a trick or something like that..







    there are so many things around us for which science has no proper explanation..




    there are so many things which we don't understand....!!!



    but do they cease to exist...




    they remain there .. even if you don't like or don't want them to exist..


    hypnosis is a science in itself..



    it do work...



    it can make you stop smoke.. it can make you get rid of your drinking habit..


    as RIA said

    "Hypnosis is a state when the conscious mind interacts with the unconscious self"



    basically hypnosis is of two types..

    1. normal .. in which we hypnotize others..

    (either a single individual or a mass..)

    2. self-hypnosis..(the tougher one)...



    its an art in which our unconscious mind come out to live...




    If you are an expert .. you can defy time.. you can browse history.. you can read future..



    i'll talk about the second example first..

    the trick you saw can be explained in two ways...

    1. the snake charmer made a fool out of you by his trick...

    2. he used mass hypnosis.. which even I've experienced..

      (i once saw one large bridge disappear .. and over a thousand people saw the same..)..

    now this can't be a trick.... you can make a small thing disappear by some trick.. but how can a bridge disappear..???

    any answers...

    about the first example..

    i've heard that people expert in hypnosys can do some real magic( i'll call it magic because science has no answer to it.. )



    in one line .. hypnosis is true..

    and there is no difference between hypnosis and hypnotism..

    same flower with different names.. but the fragrance is same...




    and I'm a science freak... i see even the water falling of the cliff with an eye of science..

    what ever i said is what i know...





    you can't deny what exist and what is true...

  14. I don't know if david blaine is an entertainer using the visual media for profit or not but I have seen practioneers doing card tricks that completly baffled me.

  15. These really have nothing to do with hypnosis. Hypnosis is performed to sort of delve into the mind beyond the conscious to find suppressed memories, to implant new thoughts and help smokers quit or binge eaters eat less, and to help heal. I do not recommend anyone go for hypnosis, and it is never wise to let someone play with your subconscious mind - who knows what they'll knowingly or unknowingly put in there!

    What you're talking about seeing is simply illusion. Magic. It's a highly practiced art to trick the human eye, often playing on the weaknesses of human perceptions to make you think that this guy is levitating or the child disappeared.

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    May 26 & 27, 2007 in Rochester, NY

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  16. read the bible

  17. Only if you let it.Magic is great fun.Penn and Teller are the best.Sometimes they even tell you how they did it.

  18. I got hypnotized to quit smoking. I quit for a year. and also i got hypnotized at the arizona state fair 3 different times. The first time it didnt work for me. He has to feel your pulse and see how deep u r under first.

  19. Hypnosis is a scientifically proven reality. It is a state of mind in which you enter your more subconscious self and generally ineteract with deeper levels of your mind.

    It could not be used to force you to do things against your will or to deceive you about things you know are false. As one writer for a magazine called Discover put it, had you hypnotized hiim and then asked him to assassinate someone, he would have first told you that it was too difficult to do and then that he would be unwilling.

    As for street magic, I have done a few simple magic tricks that often had ingenious and clever tricks to them. Imagine how much more so a professional magician could fool you.

    Please note that I believe in a sort of magic, a more spiritual sort, but street magic is not the same thing. The people doing it are insanely clever and can outwit the audience in a heartbeat because they know how you think and how to make you look where they want you to.

    However, this has never subtracted from my enjoyment of watching magic tricks. Just remember it is not magic, simply a display of cleverness and genius that we should still be amazed at. The part of magic that makes it fun is that we don't know how it is done, but that doesn;t mean you should believe it is true magic.

    Oh, and about the snake basket, if there was a snake maybe it ate the child (just kidding).

  20. To not answer your question would be two pointsless. Hypnosis works very well on certain people. Especially since so many actually believe that they have free will. Than there are supposedly others who have certain abilities or knowledge that gives others the impression or illusion of Magic.

  21. Neither of your examples are hypnosis, they are slight-of-hand magic tricks. Both of these tricks are done by distracting your attention and then fooling you.

    Hypnosis is when you are led to surrender your will to someone.  A person takes power over you and then controls what you see, do, or remember. You should not let anyone hypnotize you if you don't trust them completely- a person who hypnotizes you can really mess you up if they want to. Slight-of-hand is way easier (and safer)- like a card trick or a machine or device that you don't see.

  22. Yes hypnosis does really work. It is a real science used by some psychologist and therapist to help their patience. as for the rest ask the street magicians.

  23. Whether it works are not depends upon the mental status of the individual to be hypnotised. It definitely works with some.

    Hypnosis is a process in which critical thinking faculties of the mind are bypassed and a type of selective thinking and perception is established. Although some individuals experience an increase in suggestibility and subjective feelings of an altered state of consciousness, this is not true for everyone. In fact, some supposed hypnotic indicators and subjective changes can be achieved without relaxation or a lengthy induction by means of simple suggestion or waking hypnosis, a fact that increases the controversy and misunderstandings around hypnosis and the hypnotic state.

    However I do not know whether the examples cited by you can be explained with the help of "hypnosis". Idon't think that they are the cases of hypnotic state.

  24. Hypnosis does NOT work with people who have strong will-power and resist getting hypnotized, although, sleight-of-hand tricks might work.

  25. Don't know about 1 and 2, but hynosis does work. Your two examples are just trickery of some clever sort. Hynosis is different from that and is real. Hypnosis is getting information into your subconscious by means of relaxation and skill and is not usually instant, it takes a few sessions to change you if you have a fear of some sort etc. (I know that people can be hypnotised to do strange things by stage hypnotists but I think that is a little different from remedial hypnosis)

  26. sure it does

  27. no.  not like that.  That is Magic.  You can ask Santa c. for a magic instruction book for Christmas.

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