
Do i avoid his visiting?

by  |  earlier

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he's moved for he's back a month later,but while he was gone he was avoiding my messagges and avoiding me period!! i personally ask whats his problem?? do i just leave him be? what do i do??




  1. he feels guilty... he did something wrong that he doesnt want to face u... or something he is hiding... either that or he outgrew u and feels he is better... either way not good... let him be...

  2. well now this can be a lot of things on why hes been avoiding you... it could be that he was involved with another person and he didn't want you to know, or it could be  he was focused on his studies and didn't any distractions. i think you should sit down with him and ask, why he was avoiding you? and if you don't feel satisfied with his answer should leave him alone!!!!

  3. Lady you need to tell this man kind of a  person he is. STAND up for yourself, just come out and blaintly ask him what the **** is going on?

  4. Hhhmm, I'd first wait a little bit to see if he contacts you and asks if you want to go out or something. If he does, again, wait and see if he seems different to you or explains his reasons for avoiding you.

    If he does contact you, well, if you find yourself extremely curious as to what his explantation is, contact him via phone call or even text message calmly asking how he was and that you'd heard he was in town.

    Don't act too happy that he's there. Like, "Heyy!! How're you doing?!??!?!" That might feel awkward on his side if he doesn't have feelings for you anymore. The good thing about not acting too happy is that it conseals your feelings. It doesn't imply that you want him back, nor does it imply that you don't like him. Once you feel comfortable with talking to him, if you do, slowly reveal your true feelings, whatever they might be.

    If you do not want to personally ask why he avoided you for a month, but still want to know, your best shot is to pry it out of a mutual friend you two have. If it's someone you can trust, like a best friend, if you feel comfortable with it, you should ask him/her straightforwardly. If it is, however, someone you do not entirely find your trust, let it "slip" from their mouths.

    Ways you could do this is to hint on the subject. For example, if you know for a fact that your friend and him went out somewhere on a specific day, Saturday, or example, you could ask your friend on what he/she did on that day. Then, when he/she states that they both went out, you could ask "oh is (your exboyfriend, I'm assuming) in town again?".

    Try to be as subtle as possible. Good luck, I hope I helped.

  5. id send him one message saying this is the last time you are communicating him him unless he comunicates back.

    you dont want to be stalkerish or creepy.


    it really depends on your past with this dude.

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